University of Virginia Library

Section K. Allied Medical Sciences.

In HYGIENE AND STATE MEDICINE the Medical College of Virginia
has 2,319 volumes, including government, state, and municipal publications
and runs of fifteen periodicals. There are somewhat
smaller collections at the University of Virginia and at the Virginia
Polytechnic Institute.

In PHARMACY AND MATERIA MEDICA the collection at the Medical
College of Virginia numbers 1,142 volumes, of which 868 are periodicals
representing twenty-four titles. The State Library has a
collection of 1,617 volumes in these subjects, the proportion of
periodicals being, in this case, smaller.

The Medical College of Virginia contains 815 volumes on
DENTISTRY, of which 382 are miscellaneous textbooks and 443 are
serials, nineteen varieties being represented.

On the subject of NURSING both the Medical College of Virginia
and the University of Virginia have collections of about 300
volumes. The library at the University subscribes to seven
periodicals dealing with this subject.