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Fiscal Year 1981-82

The Special Advisory Committee of the Center for Advanced Studies as approved the following budget for the Pratt funds of the four departments n Arts and Sciences. The four departments designated in the Will were iology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics; and the funds could be used n three categories displayed in the budget, scholarships for outstanding tudents, supplementation of faculty salaries, and equipment. The annual isbursement of the estate is $822,567 to be divided equally between Arts nd Sciences and Medicine; in addition, there is a one time allocated of ncome accumulated before the disbursement program was established of pproximately $750,000 to be equally divided.

Biology  Chemistry  Mathematics  Physics  Total 
tudent Support: Graduate and undergraduate  33,000  42,000  26,000  20,000  121,000 
aculty Salary Supplement  1,200  54,400  25,700  81,300 
quipment  71,200  42,500  6,000  151,700  271,400 
TOTAL  105,400  84,500  86,400  197,400  473,700 
mount previously pproved by Board of isitors: 
6/7/80  106,000  83,700  80,900  89,000  359,600 
6/2/79  81,300  171,000  28,700  89,000  370,000 
6/2/78  92,400  112,500  82,000  185,700  472,600 
6/4/77  174,000  115,150  80,000  150,000  519,150 


W. D. Whitehead, Director Center for Advanced Studies May 1, 1981


Frank L. Hereford, Jr. President