University of Virginia Library


(Extra Session)

Chapter 80. An ACT to incorporate the General Alumni Association
of the University of Virginia, with authority to issue certificates
of membership to local associations and individuals composing
said General Alumni Association. Approved March 7,
1903. "Whereas, after thirty years experience it has been found
impracticable to maintain the Society of Alumni of the University
of Virginia, under the terms of the Charter enacted by the general
assembly of this State February 6th, 1873, because said society was
founded on the basis of individual membership only; and Whereas,
after much consideration and discussion at the annual meetings of
the Society of Alumni, it was resolved to organize a General Alumni
Association of the University of Virginia, to be composed of local
associations throughout the United States, including the State of
Virginia, and also of individual alumni from points where no
local associations exist; and, Whereas, the organization of such an
association was fully consummated at the meeting of the General
Alumni Association at the June 17th, 1902, commencement of the
University of Virginia by its merger of the Society of Alumni,
with its consent, into said General Alumni Association, and fully
put into operation by the adoption of a constitution and by the
election of officers to serve for two years from the said 17th. of
June, 1902; Therefore,

Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That from and
after the passage of this act, there shall be legally organized,


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1. An incorporation, to be known as the General Alumni Association
of the University of Virginia, as a necessary auxiliary to
the progress and success of that institution, and to be subject at all
times to the control of the board of visitors of the University of
Virginia, with the following named persons as incorporators, to-wit,
the same being named and designated as its first officers, having
been chosen for their respective positions by the General Alumni
Association June 17th, 1902, viz: James B. Sener, of Washington,
District of Columbia, president; George W. Morris, of Charlottesville,
Virginia, first vice-president; R. Gordon Wilson of Baltimore,
Maryland, second vice-president; and the following executive committee,
to-wit: R. T. W. Duke, Junior, of Charlottesville; Richard
R. Tunstall, of Norfolk; James P. Harrison of Danville; L. T.
Hanckel, of Charlottesville; Armistead C. Gordon and Edward
Echols, of Staunton, and Dr. H. D. Bruns, of New Orleans,
Louisiana; John S. Patton, of Charlottesville, secretary; and
Raleigh C. Minor, of the University of Virginia, treasurer. Those
named herein, except the two vice-presidents, to constitute the
executive committee of said association. The successors in office
of all before mentioned officials to be chosen at the annual meeting
of the General Alumni Association, to be held at the University of
Virginia during the June commencement, 1904. This association,
through its executive committee, is charged with the special duty of
using its best endeavors to promote the welfare of the General
Alumni Association, and to use its active efforts in cooperation with
the board of visitors and faculty of the university to promote the
success and prosperity of the university.

2. The principal office of said association and the chief business
is to be at the University of Virginia. All the funds which the
association may acquire shall be used, after paying its running expenses,
for the use and benefit of this association and of the University
of Virginia. It is intended that the General Alumni Association,
which is to be made up and composed of local associations
and of individual members throughout the country where no such
associations exist shall take the place of the Society of Alumni as
incorporated February 6th, 1873, and succeed to all the rights,
privileges, and property, real, personal and mixed, of the Society
of Alumni of the University, which is hereby dissolved, the General
Alumni Association being the legal successor of said Society


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of Alumni of the University of Virginia as incorporated February
6th, 1873; it being further intended that this association by this
succession shall have and enjoy all the powers of the Society of
Alumni which it possessed at the time of its merger into this
association, this association having in view the general purposes and
objects of the society of Alumni as set out in its charter of February
6th, 1873, save as herein modified.

3. This association shall have authority to grant certificates of
membership not only to the local alumni associations now composing
it, but to such new ones as may be hereafter formed, and also to
individuals as contemplated in this act, such certificates to bear the
signatures of the president and secretary of the General Alumni
Association and the seal of the association, which is given power
to adopt a suitable one, and to require that all such local alumni
associations, whether now or hereafter formed, shall pay into the
treasury of the General Association annually a reasonable tax per
capita on the alumni forming such associations, which in no instance
shall exceed one dollar per capita per annum; and before any
individual member shall become a member of the General Alumni
Association he shall pay to the said association the sum of one dollar,
and be required to pay the annual per capita tax levied upon the
local associations, and shall remain an individual member only so
long as there shall exist at the place of his residence, or within
convenient distance near thereto, no local association to which he
can attach himself; and whilst so a member of the General Association
such individual member shall be entitled to a voice in the
meetings of the General Assoociation and to hold office in the
Association and to such fraction of one vote as the constitution of
said General Alumni Association shall permit.

4. This association is authorized, subject to the control of the
board of visitors as to location, to build a hall on the grounds of the
university for the use and benefit of the association, it being intended
that whatever funds have already been raised by the Society
of Alumni, as heretofore constituted, for the purpose of building
such hall, shall pass to and belong to this association, and be used
strictly for that purpose and none other. And the executive committee
is to make all contracts for the building of said hall whenever
there shall be sufficient funds in hand to do so.


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5. The meetings of the General Alumni Association shall be
made up of delegates from local alumni associations, to be chosen
at the annual meetings of such local associations, and of individual
members as hereinbefore provided; but if for any cause it should
become impracticable for any local association to hold an annual
meeting, then the delegates from each and every such local alumni
association may be appointed by the executive committee thereof.
The number of such delegates from each local association shall be
on such basis of representation as the General Alumni Association
shall prescribe.

6. The General Alumni Association shall meet at least once
a year at the University of Virginia for the transaction of its
business. The time and place of its meetings, which shall be during
the university commencement of each year, shall be fixed by the
executive committee, and in the event of its failure to do so, by
the president of the General Association. The association may also
be called together in an emergency by the president of the association
or by five local associations acting through their presidents.
Any such called meeting shall be held at the University of Virginia,
but only after ten days notice thereof printed in one or more of the
Charlottesville papers. At least ten days notice shall be given in
like manner of the time and place of the annual meeting of the
association. The Alumni Association shall hold an annual celebration
on Tuesday during commencement week in the public hall of
the university, and this day shall be known as alumni day. The
executive committee of said Alumni Association shall have full
charge and control of the exercises of that day in the public hall
and elsewhere, subject only to the superior authority of the board
of visitors.

7. The General Association, by its executive committee, as in
general meeting it may direct, shall have power to raise an endowment
fund for the use and benefit of the university, to be held by
the treasurer of the State, in Virginia registered century bonds, and
all funds belonging to said association in excess of one thousand
dollars, and all those donated for the purpose of building a public
hall, shall be similarly invested, and only disposed of as they may
be needed for the purposes of the association or of the university.
The management and application of all the funds of the association
and the income therefrom are to be under the control of the


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executive committee of the association and their successors in office,
subject, however, to any instruction and direction of the General
Alumni Association in annual meeting, which instruction or direction
in every instance shall be given upon a registered aye and nay
vote of the association, cast according to their respective numerical
strength. The treasurer of the State shall honor all requisitions on
the funds in his hands or under his control belonging to said General
Alumni Association, when signed by the treasurer of said association,
countersigned by the president or acting president thereof, and attested
by the secretary thereof, with the seal of the association
thereto attached. The General Association may, in any proper
way consistent with its general policy and the laws of the university,
and not inconsistent with the laws of the State, plan and carry
into effect ways and means for the advancement of the interests and
prosperity of the University of Virginia.

8. The association shall have power to receive and hold property,
real and personal, donations, passing by grant, conveyance,
devise, and bequest under the general powers of endowment granted
in the seventh section of this act, and also for the building of an
alumni hall, as mentioned in the fourth section. The association
may sue and be sued. Any real estate which the association may
acquire by gift, devise, or otherwise in excess of five acres may be
sold as soon as it can conveniently be sold at a fair price. The
property held by this association shall, as to taxation thereof, stand
in all respect upon the same footing as the property belonging to
the University of Virginia.

9. The association may from time to time adopt any constitution
and by-laws and any regulations it may think proper in regard
to admitting or rejecting members of the General Association or
of the local associations, and for any other purposes not inconsistent
with the laws and constitution of this state or the United States, or
the constitution of this association, and it shall also have authority
to employ agents to obtain endowments for scholarships and professorships,
and in any other proper manner to solicit donations for
the proper objects in connection with the university, and to pay all
expenses incident to the conduct and management of the association,
or of the executive committee.

10. The executive committee and other officers of the association
shall hold their offices until their successors are chosen, and if


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it should so happen that the association should fail at the time appointed
for the election of such officers to choose their successors,
then those in office shall hold on until an election can be legally
held. Five of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum for
business and the executive committee shall have power to fill
vacancies in its own body, to hold until the next election after the
happening of such vacancies. It shall be the duty of the executive
committee, through the president of the association, to make an
annual report to the association in regard to the condition and progress
of the association and the formation of new alumni local
associations, and this report shall also contain statements by the
secretary and treasurer as to the number and condition of the local
associations, and this report shall also contain statements by the
secretary and treasurer as to the number and condition of the local
associations and the financial condition of the General Association.

11. This act shall take effect from and after its passage."
Acts 1902-3-4, Extra Session, p. 73.

Chapter 135. An ACT to amend and re-enact Sections 1546
and 1551 of the Code of Virginia in relation to the duties of the
board of visitors of the University of Virginia, the salaries of
professors, etc. Approved April 7, 1903.

"Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That sections
1546 and 1551 of the Code of Virginia, 1887, be amended and
re-enacted to read as follows:

`1546. Duties of board: water supply; appointment and removal
of president and professors; appointment of bursar and proctor—
The said board shall be charged with the care and preservation of
all property belonging to the university. They shall appoint a
president, with such duties as may be prescribed by said board, and
they shall appoint as many professors as they deem proper, and,
with the consent of two-thirds of the whole number of the visitors,
may remove such president or any professor. They may prescribe
the duties of each professor, and the course and mode of instruction.
They may appoint a bursar and proctor, employ any other agents
or servants, regulate the government and discipline of the students,
and the renting of the hotels and dormitories, and, generally, in
respect to the government and management of the university, make
such regulations as they may deem expedient, not being contrary to


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law. The said board shall, before making appointment of such
president, proctor or professor, give notice thereof for at least thirty
days by an advertisement published for four successive weeks in
some daily newspaper of general circulation published in the city
of Richmond, Virginia, of the time when, and the the place where
such appointment will be made. To enable the proctor and visitors
of the university to procure a supply of water, and to construct and
maintain a system of water-works, drainage, and sewerage for the
university, they shall have power and authority to acquire such
springs, lands, and rights of way as may be necessary, according to
the provisions of Chapter 46 of the Code of Virginia.

1551. Salary of president and professors; salaries and fees—
The President shall receive a stated salary, and each of the professors
shall receive a stated salary, and may also receive such additional
compensation out of the fees for tuition and other revenues
of the university as the visitors may from time to time direct."

2. This act shall be in force from its passage. Acts 1902-3-4,
Extra Session, p. 116.

Chapter 506. An ACT to provide for the additional wards to
the University of Virginia Hospital. Approved December 31, 1903.

"Whereas, in the original design for the building which forms
the nucleus of the University of Virginia hospital it was deemed
essential that there should be offices and accommodations for internes,
nurses, kitchen, laundry, operating room with ample amphitheatre;

Whereas, the present demands upon said hospital require the use
of said apartments for the patients treated therein, to the great
inconvenience and detriment of said hospital; and,

Whereas, in the original design it was contemplated that there
should be erected six wards, none of which have been built because
of lack of funds; and,

Whereas, it is imperative that there should be provided at once
two wards for said hospital, connecting with the main building by
an arcade or corrider, each ward to be of sufficient size to accommodate
at least twenty patients; and,

Whereas, the estimated cost of constructing said addition and
wards is $31,000; therefore,

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That there
be appropriated out of any funds in the State treasury not otherwise


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appropriated the sum of $31,000, to be expended in the erection of
additional buildings and wards as aforesaid for said hospital; and
the auditor of public accounts is hereby authorized and directed to
draw his warrant upon the treasurer of the State for said sum upon
the requisition of the rector and board of visitors of the University
of Virginia.

2. This act shall be in force from its passage." Acts 1902-3-4,
Extra Session, p. 796.

Chapter 600. An ACT to authorize the University of Virginia
to send property to St. Louis for exhibition purposes. Approved
January 12, 1904.

"1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the
rector and visitors of the University of Virginia are hereby authorized
and empowered to send such statues, paintings, and other personal
property of the said university to the Louisiana purchase exposition,
to be held in the city of Saint Louis, Missouri, in the year
1904, as they may deem proper for exhibition purposes.

2. This act shall be in force from its passage." Acts 1902-3-4,
Extra Session, p. 949.