University of Virginia Library

I. Biology and Agriculture.

Biology B1: General Biology: An elementary study of living organisms
and the relations between animals and plants. Plants will be studied
from the standpoint of metabolism and growth, and animals from that of
structure and response. Types will be chosen which illustrate the fundamental
biological laws and throw light on the place of man among living
things.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.) Professor Lewis, Professor
Kepner, Mr. Zirkle and assistants.

Biology B2: Agricultural Botany: Biology B1 prerequisite.—The physiology
of the higher plants, especially as related to nutrition and growth;
the principles of crop-raising as based on the laws of plant life. Hours to
be arranged. Professor Lewis.

Biology B3: Agricultural Zoölogy: Biology B1 prerequisite.—The parasitic
protozoa, worms, and arthropods; the insects will be considered in
their economic relations, and the anatomy of the domestic animals examined.
The relation of animals to the soil and to plant life will be discussed.—Hours
to be arranged. Professor Kepner.

Biology C1: Evolution and Heredity: Biology B1 prerequisite.—First
term: Evolution, the theory and its history. Second term: The principles
of heredity and their application to social questions. Third term: The biological
aspects of human problems. Lectures only. Professor Lewis.