University of Virginia Library

Aw, she worked him well, till the chap was gapin'
With his mouth like an oyster, the way she was shapin'
The fool to her plan. “By gough!” says Harry,
“I'll try it this night, and aisy—very—
To try”—and Sartinly! that's it!
Buck up! buck up a bit!
And he'd soon see. And that little black imp
To be coortin' Nessy! a surt of a shrimp
Of a cockcroach coortin' Nessy! No!
And—he-he-he! and ho-ho-ho!
“It's you, Harry, idikkilis!
And the handsome ye are! and give me a kiss—
There now, Harry! and spake to him, will ye!
Spake to him! spake to him, m'gilya!”

My lad.