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1 occurrence of ring out ye bells
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1 occurrence of ring out ye bells
[Clear Hits]

Oh little fledgling out of the nest

Oh little fledgling out of the nest—
Would you were cuddling here—close to my breast
Warming & melting my heart into song,
Then were the days not so lonesome & long.
Wildly the rain's falling blown from the west—
What a sweet time to be snug in the nest!
What a poor time to be waund'ring afar
Love where the winds & the bleak billows are.
Ah little lady-bird, soon let us sing
Our lay connubial here wing to wing.
Yearning is burning my heart with unrest—
Home be returning, sweet bird, to your nest!

Enclosed in a letter to Alice Dunbar dated August 10, 1898. Paul Laurence Dunbar Collection, series 10, box 22, OHS. Quoted by permission. (The letter is reproduced in full in Martin and Hudson's Paul Laurence Dunbar Reader.)