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Virginia and Virginians

eminent Virginians, executives of the colony of Virginia from Sir Thomas Smyth to Lord Dunmore. Executives of the state of Virginia, from Patrick Henry to Fitzhugh Lee. Sketches of Gens. Ambrose Powel Hill, Robert E. Lee, Thos. Jonathan Jackson, Commodore Maury

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Page 842


Born in Fredericksburg, Virginia, on August 5, 1837, is a son of John
J. Berrey and Mary W. Berrey, nee Lucas. His paternal grandparents
were Abner and Lucy Berrey, of Madison county, Virginia; his maternal
grandparents Fielding and Elizabeth Lucas, of Fredericksburg. His
father, born in Madison county, was for forty years a prominent merchant,
and is now retired from business, living in Fredericksburg, at the
age of seventy-seven years; his mother is still living, aged now eighty-one
years. His wife, whom he married at Fredericksburg, Virginia, September
15, 1875, is Mary G. Berrey, born in Fredericksburg. Their son,
Robert McBryde Berrey, was born on the 9th of May, 1879. A second
son, named Charles Waite Berrey, died in July, 1877, aged one month.

Mr. Berrey was educated in the schools and academies of Fredericksburg,
and began business as deputy sheriff at the age of twenty years.
He resigned this position to enter the Confederate army, and served
four years as private and non-commissioned officer in the 30th regiment
Virginia Infantry. He returned home after the surrender and clerked
in a book and stationery store until 1871, when he began merchandizing
on his own account. He was elected a magistrate in 1871, and
in 1872 was elected mayor of Fredericksburg, serving as such until
July 1, 1874, having declined a re-election for the purpose of engaging
in the newspaper business, as owner and editor of the Independent, in
which business he continued for several years until compelled by ill health
to retire. He was appointed United States Commissioner for the Eastern
district of Virginia, and special commissioner of the United States
Claims Commission, and so served several years. In 1882 he was
selected by the City Council of Fredericksburg to codify the corporation
ordinances and prepare for publication a historical sketch of the city; in
1884 he received an appointment as clerk in the office of the Auditor of
Public Accounts, at Richmond, which position was relinquished after
two years service to accept a clerkship in the Virginia State Senate.
This position, after several months service, was resigned, and he
received appointment as clerk of the circuit and corporation courts of
Fredericksburg, to fill the unexpired term of Col. R. S. Chew,
deceased. In May, 1888, he was elected without opposition to this
office for the full term of six years. Mr. Berrey is past master of Fredericksburg
Lodge No. 4, A. F. & A. M., and District Deputy Grand Master
of District No. 22; also past Grand of Myrtle Lodge, No. 50, I. O. O.
F., and Lieutenant-commander of Maury Camp, No. 2, Confederate