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[Gentle and meek He comes to those]

Thy King cometh unto thee, meek, &c. —xxi. 5.

Gentle and meek He comes to those
In compassing His death employ'd,
His furious, unrelenting foes
Who thirsted for their Saviour's blood:
Gives Himself up to satisfy
Their rage and for His murderers die!
O how unlike the kingdoms here
Thy kingdom open'd in Thine own!
Meekness and peace and lowly fear,
And righteousness support Thy throne,
Patience in death, resembling Thine,
And love invincibly Divine.


[Where are the learned and rich and great?]

A very great multitude spread their garments, &c. —xxi. 8.

Where are the learned and rich and great?
None their triumphant Saviour meet
Of worldly honours proud;
Enough the learned already know,
The rich will not their wealth forego,
The great disdain the crowd.
The simple despicable poor
A poor rejected Lord adore;
And still with joy receive


Whom still the wealthy and the wise,
And noble infidels despise,
And to the vulgar leave.


[Hosanna to Him, Whom angels adore]

Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He, &c. —xxi. 9.

Hosanna to Him, Whom angels adore,
In glory supreme, In goodness and power!
With glad acclamation Our voices we raise,
Ascribing salvation To Jesus's grace!
His Father's Delight He comes for our sake,
To challenge His right His kingdom to take:
He comes in the Spirit Of power from above,
That man may inherit A kingdom of love.
How welcome to man The kingdom He brings!
His people we reign Both subjects and kings;
And while we His praises Exult to repeat
In heavenly places With Jesus we sit.
Our Lord from the skies Again shall come down,
And bid us arise And compass His throne,
With fix'd adoration Transported to gaze,
And see our salvation Reveal'd in His face.


[The world is at His coming moved]

When He was come into Jerusalem, all the, &c. —xxi. 10.

The world is at His coming moved
Whose kingdom turns them upside down:
Disturb'd by Him they never loved,
They tremble at a God unknown,
Who comes to suffer for their cause
And nail their passions to His cross.
Of Him they casually inquire,
When shouting crowds His presence show;
They ask; alas, with no desire
His kingdom or Himself to know


They will not see, through envy blind,
Or God Most High in Jesus find.
But shall the men that call Him Lord,
His followers, “Who is this” demand?
We that have heard His gospel-word
Have seen the wonders of His hand,
Shall we forget His power to heal
Or doubt as unbelievers still?
Our base ingratitude forgive,
Jesus whom prostrate we adore:
And now let all our hearts receive
The Prince of peace, the God of power,
The King of saints to sinners given
The sovereign Lord of earth and heaven!


[The crowd in every age and place]

The multitude said, This is Jesus the prophet. —xxi. 11.

The crowd in every age and place
Are readiest Jesus to confess,
But ah, how soon are they removed
Who testify a faith unproved!
His confessors Hosanna cry
To-day; to-morrow Crucify!


[Saviour, who dost with anger see]

Jesus . . . cast out all them that sold and bought, &c. —xxi. 12.

Saviour, who dost with anger see
The lusts which steal my heart from Thee,
The thieves out of Thy temple chase,
And plant Thy Spirit in their place,
And when my God inhabits there,
My heart shall be a house of prayer.


[Who avarice with religion veil]

Who avarice with religion veil
Our Saviour's indignation raise,


Who trade in spirituals, and sell
And buy, as in the holy place;
The altar touch with hands impure,
Present, collate, resign, restore,
Employments in the church procure,
And change and barter less for more.
Servants of souls, they take the pay
Rapacious, but the work refuse;
They steal, (while meaner hirelings pray,)
And rob the church, whose goods they use;
We read their sacrilege profane
Recorded in the sacred leaves,
Who make the house of God a den
Of Reverend and Right Reverend thieves!


[Blind to Thee, O Lord, and lame]

And the blind and the lame came to Him, &c. —xxi. 14.

Blind to Thee, O Lord, and lame
I into Thy temple came:
There I first received from Thee
Strength to walk, and sight to see,
There I found my pardon seal'd,
There my unbelief was heal'd.


[Teachers and priests perversely blind]

The chief priests and scribes . . . were, &c. —xxi. 15.

Teachers and priests perversely blind,
Ambitious, covetous, and proud,
Matter of sore displeasure find
In all the wondrous works of God:
They rage to see His kingdom near,
While new-born babes their voices raise,
With Jesus' name torment their ear,
And fill the church with hymns of praise.



[To Jesus's name Hosanna we sing]

Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings, &c. —xxi. 16.

To Jesus's name Hosanna we sing,
And gladly proclaim Our heavenly King:
Poor justified sinners, His glory we raise,
Who teaches beginners To perfect His praise.
While Jesus receives The grace He imparts,
The gladness He gives, And draws from our hearts,
We welcome the blessing He brings from above,
With thanks never-ceasing, And rapturous love.


[The Christian who to Christ affords]

When He saw a fig-tree in the way, He came, &c. —xxi. 19.

The Christian who to Christ affords
Mere, fruitless, impotent desires,
Or the fair leaves of barren words,
His Lord's severest curse requires,
The curse of withering as a tree
Dried up to all eternity.
O may we tremble at their doom
From whom the Lord withdraws His grace,
And watch, and labour till He come,
To seek in us true righteousness,
And strive our fruitfulness to prove
By all the works of humble love.


[Who ever of a mountain heard]

Ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou, &c. —xxi. 21.

Who ever of a mountain heard
By faith removed into the sea?
The literal miracle absurd:
The truth my Lord hath wrought in me:
Saviour, the sin I served and loved,
Thou hast commanded to depart,
Far from my soul the guilt removed,
And cast the power out of my heart.



[Faith is the source of prayer]

All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, &c. —xxi. 22.

Faith is the source of prayer,
And measures our success,
And prayer is faith's interpreter,
And doth its source increase:
By faithful prayer we gain
Whatever God can give,
And more than earth and heaven contain
In Jesus we receive.


[Jesus, the truth of simple love]

Jesus answered . . . unto them, I also will, &c. —xxi. 24.

Jesus, the truth of simple love
Refuses a direct reply,
The' ensnaring tempters to reprove,
Whose hearts are naked to His eye,
Their foul hypocrisy to' expose,
And baffle His most crafty foes.


[How doth a single word of Thine]

But if we shall say, Of men; we fear the, &c. —xxi. 26.

How doth a single word of Thine,
Saviour, the surest scheme o'erthrow,
Defeat the' insidious world's design,
Confound their wisdom from below,
And force their silence to confess
The truth their malice would suppress!


[Hear this, ye men of moral zeal]

The publicans and the harlots go into the, &c. —xxi. 31.

Hear this, ye men of moral zeal,
Ye women chaste of virtue proud,
Who scorn as abject slaves of hell
The vicious, mean, abandon'd crowd!
Harlots, and publicans accursed
The kingdom seize, and enter first.


Ye rich in works of righteousness,
Who toil so hard to purchase heaven,
Ye scruple to be saved by grace,
Like vilest profligates forgiven:
But freely they the blessing gain
Which Pharisees would buy in vain.
Drunkards, and murderers, and thieves,
In Jesus for salvation trust:
Absolved the moment he believes,
The monster of unbridled lust
Exults the sinner's Friend to find,
And leaves your rigid pride behind.
O that ye might like them repent,
Cast all your loathsome rags away,
Humbly accept whom God hath sent,
On Tophet's brink for mercy pray,
The last, the worst to Jesus bow,
And take the heavenly kingdom now.


[Preachers of righteousness arise]

John came unto you in the way of, &c. —xxi. 32.

Preachers of righteousness arise,
And proofs of their own doctrine live,
And lo, the foulest slaves of vice
Their true report with joy receive!
But priests and Pharisees condemn,
Disdaining to be saved like them.
With unrelenting heart they see
The' amazing change on sinners wrought,
Reform'd themselves who will not be
Or to the arms of Jesus brought,
Alas for them! for us, we say!
The scripture is fulfill'd to-day!



[The Householder in Canaan's land]

There was a certain householder, which, &c. —xxi. 33.

The Householder in Canaan's land
Planted a church, and hedged it round,
His law and providential hand
Was then its sure protection found:
The winepress digg'd where Salem stood,
The temple was their boasted tower,
The husbandmen were hired of God
Who left His vineyard in their power.


[He, when the time of fruit drew near]

When the time of the fruit drew near, &c. —xxi. 34–36.

He, when the time of fruit drew near,
His servants to the keepers sent,
And many a chosen messenger,
To gather in His righteous rent:
The keepers on His servants flew
Stopping their ears against the word,
Outraged, and beat, and stoned, and slew
The saints and prophets of their Lord.


[The heavenly Householder at last]

But last of all he sent unto them his son, &c. —xxi. 37–41.

The heavenly Householder at last
Vouchsafed to send His only Son:
They slew, out of the vineyard cast
The Heir, and seized it for their own:
Wherefore their Lord in vengeance came,
Those wicked husbandmen destroy'd:
And now they bear the Christian name
Who keep, and rule the church of God.


[Not all those other husbandmen]

He . . . will let out his vineyard unto other, &c. —xxi. 41.

Not all those other husbandmen
Have paid the fruits in season due,
But spitefully abused again,
And kill'd the messengers anew:


Alas, they have in every age
Their persecuted Lord withstood,
Glutted their antichristian rage,
And drank, with Rome, the martyrs' blood.
The Householder in this our day
Hath servants to the keepers sent;
Yet will they not His word obey,
Or show by fruits that they repent:
Who now the chair of Moses fill,
The ruling husbandmen exclaim,
And cast out of the vineyard still
The men that speak in Jesus' name.
More servants to declare His word
He sends by His immediate call:
They preach the message of their Lord,
Repent, believe, they cry to all;
They urge the husbandmen in vain,
The Spirit's fruits of them require;
High-priests the vagabonds disdain
And fain would doom them to the fire.
God's servants true they will not hear
Without or with their orders sent,
But hate Him in His messenger,
His every faithful instrument:
And though the Lord His Son imparts,
And though with them His Spirit strives,
They chase Him from their worldly hearts,
And crucify Him by their lives.
On all who dare confess His sway
They their oppressive power make known,
As sworn the life of Christ to stay,
While Christ doth in His members groan;


And should He now on earth appear
The lords who o'er His vineyard reign
To save their wealth and grandeur here
Would nail Him to His cross again.


[Christ the head and corner-stone]

The Stone which the builders rejected, the, &c. —xxi. 42.

Christ the head and corner-stone,
Thy sovereign power we see:
Jews and Gentiles now are one,
Are cemented by Thee:
Thee despised by sinful men,
Thee refused and crucified,
God hath raised to life again,
And seated at His side.
Object of our joy and hope
And admiration live,
Till Thou take Thy members up
Thy kingdom to receive:
Let us to the end endure,
Daily share Thy mortal pain,
Then the crown of life is sure
And then with Thee we reign.


[Lord, the builders still reject]

Lord, the builders still reject,
And will not Thee confess,
Brand Thy followers as a sect,
And hate Thy witnesses:
Come and fix Thy kingdom here,
That all mankind Thy sway may own,
See the church's Head appear,
And worship at Thy throne.


[Sinners the most abandon'd now]

The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, &c. —xxi. 43.

Sinners the most abandon'd now,
Ye need not sink in sad despair,


Ye too to Jesus' cross may bow,
Ye too may Jesus' kingdom share,
Who still, as in the days of old,
Heathens receives into His fold.
Ye saints, the most advanced in grace
Be warn'd the rock of pride to fear
Who now the' elect peculiar race
The favourites of your God appear,
Remember ancient Israel's doom,
And dare not of your grace presume.
Jesus Thou seest my trembling heart:
Ah, never from my soul remove
Thy kingdom, or in wrath depart
To punish my defect of love:
But let my fruit of Thee be found,
And to Thy mercy's praise abound!


[Who hears the word and disbelieves]

Whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be, &c. —xxi. 44.

Who hears the word and disbelieves,
He stumbles on this Stone,
And grievous hurt the soul receives
That will not Jesus own:
But if in unbelief he dies,
His doom how terrible
When Christ descending from the skies
Shall crush him into hell.