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Transcrib'd from the Rev. Mr. Pixel's Parsonage Garden near Birmingham, 1757.
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Transcrib'd from the Rev. Mr. Pixel's Parsonage Garden near Birmingham, 1757.

Seek not in these to view
Dryads green, or Naiads blue;
Such as haunt, at eve or dawn,
Enville's lake, or Hagley's lawn:
Such as sport on Worfield's meads;
Such as Shenstone's Genius leads


O'er vale and hill, and to their care
Consigns his waves and woodlands fair;
While the Muses vacant stray,
And Echo wants her sweetest lay.
Long, long may those unrival'd shine,
Nor shall my temp'rate breast repine,
So Music lend her willing aid
To gladden this ignoble shade;
So Peace endear this humble plain—
And haply Elegance will deign
To wander here, and smiling see
Her sister nymph Simplicity.

Seat of the Earl of Stamford.

Seat of lord Lyttelton.

Seat of Sherrington Davenport, Esq;