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VI. Presented Faultless.

‘Behold I and the children which God hath given Me.’ —Heb. ii, 13.

Our Saviour and our King,
Enthroned and crowned above,
Shall with exceeding gladness bring
The children of His love.
All that the Father gave
His glory shall behold;
Not one whom Jesus came to save
Is missing from His fold.
He shall confess His own
From every clime and coast,
Before His Father's glorious throne,
Before the angel host.
‘O righteous Father, see,
In spotless robes arrayed,
Thy chosen gifts of love to Me,
Before the worlds were made.
‘By new creation Thine;
By purpose and by grace,
By right of full redemption Mine,
Faultless before Thy face.


‘As Thou hast lovèd Me,
So hast Thou lovèd them;
Thy precious jewels they shall be,
My glorious diadem!’