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[Out of Himself the God of love]

The kingdom of heaven is like unto a man, &c. —xx. 1.

Out of Himself the God of love
Went forth in His creating grace:
Again He left His throne above,
Made flesh to save our fallen race:
He came from heaven on earth to reign,
That we might His salvation know,
And hires the ransom'd sons of men
To serve Him in His church below.
The church His Spirit's kingdom stands,
Where God is known, revered, adored,
Where all submit to love's command
And bow before their heavenly Lord:
The church His fruitful vineyard lies,
By day and night its Planter's care,
Each moment water'd from the skies:
And all are call'd to labour there.
The soul of man is Jesus' due,
And should to Him itself resign,
His vineyard and His kingdom too
We live to' obey the will Divine,


To work out our salvation here,
And labour on with restless pain,
With active zeal and humble fear
That Jesus in our hearts may reign.
He promises in life's short day
Our bountiful almighty Lord,
No servile sublunary pay
But heaven's unspeakable reward:
He calls so loud that all may hear,
(When reason first exerts its power,)
To work with simple heart sincere;
And childhood is the earliest hour.