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The Works of The Ettrick Shepherd

Centenary Edition. With a Memoir of the Author, by the Rev. Thomas Thomson ... Poems and Life. With Many Illustrative Engravings [by James Hogg]

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Prince Owen and the Seer.


To an old Welsh air.

“O say, mighty Owen, why beams thy bright eye?
And why shakes thy plume, when the winds are so still?
What means the loud blast of the bugle so nigh,
And the wild warlike music I hear on the hill?”
“We are free, thou old seer; the Britons are free!
Our foes have all fallen or shrunk from our view;
And free as the bird of the mountain are we,
The roe of the forest, or fish of the sea.
My country! my brethren! my joy is for you;
My country! my brethren! my country! my brethren!
My country! my brethren! my joy is for you.”
“Brave Owen, my old heart is fired by thine!
My dim eyes they glisten like tears of the morn.
Thy valour us guarded; thy wisdom has warded
The danger that threatened to lay us forlorn.
And when you and I have sunk into our graves;
When ages o'er ages time's standard shall rear;
When the bards have forgot o'er our ashes to weep,
When they scarcely can point out the place where we sleep;
That freedom shall flourish we've purchas'd so dear;
That freedom shall flourish, &c.
“The Arm that created our shores and our glens,
Design'd they unconquer'd should ever remain;
That Power, who inspired the hearts of our clans,
Design'd them, inviolate their rights to maintain.
Our castle the mountain; our bulwark the wave;
True courage and jealousy, buckler and shield;
We'll laugh at the force of the world combin'd,
And oppression shall fly like the cloud in the wind.
But the isles and the ocean to Britain must yield;
The isles and the ocean; the isles and the ocean;
The isles and the ocean to Britons must yield.”