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Certain special scholarships are open only to medical students. A considerable
number of other scholarships are open to medical students in common with
students from other departments of the University.

The William A. Herndon Scholarships are founded upon the bequest of
Dr. Cumberland George Herndon, a graduate in medicine of this University.
They are awarded by the Medical Faculty after a competitive examination
held during the summer vacation preceding enrollment as a student in the
Medical Department. Candidates must be unable to defray the expenses of
their medical education and must signify their intention of entering the
medical service of the army or navy of the United States. These scholarships
carry a stipend of approximately $500. They continue for the four
years of the medical course and are awarded whenever there is a vacancy.
Two appointments were made in September, 1934. Applications must be
made not later than July 1 of the year of appointment. For information as to the
examinations and other requirements, address the Dean of the Department
of Medicine.

The Richard Henry Whitehead Scholarships, founded by an anonymous
donor in memory of Dr. Richard Henry Whitehead, Professor of Anatomy
and Dean of the Department of Medicine, 1905-1916, are awarded to young
men of promise who contemplate entering upon lines of medical work which
will advance medical knowledge either pure or applied. They are usually
awarded only to students who have completed at least two years of the
medical curriculum. There are three of these scholarships. New appointments
will be made for the session 1936-37. For further information, address
the Dean of the Department of Medicine.

The Virginia State Medical Scholarships, established in 1925 by the Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia. Two scholarships are awarded
annually in the Department of Medicine, towards the close of the session, to
the students from Virginia on the basis of rank and need, retroactive for the
session. Tenure four years, conditioned upon maintenance of satisfactory
scholastic record. Emolument, remission of tuition fee.

The Doctor William Selden Memorial Scholarship in the Department of
with an emolument of $500. Established through the Centennial
Endowment Fund. Appointment made by the Rector and Visitors upon the
nomination of the Dean of the Department of Medicine.


Page 396

The Doctor Edward May Magruder Medical Scholarship, founded in
1927 by the American Clan Gregor Society, with an emolument of $60, is
awarded upon the recommendation of the Society.

The Henry Clay Marchant Scholarships: two, with an emolument of
$360 each. For detailed information see Henry Clay Marchant Fellowships
in Graduate and General Catalogues. If appointments cannot be made from
the Department of Graduate Studies as therein set forth, then applications
will be considered in the following order from undergraduates: (1) from
those in the Medical Department who may be preparing to be medical missionaries;
(2) from those in the College preparing to enter the ministry.

Other Scholarships and Fellowships open to medical students in common
with students in other departments of the University are: The Bayly-Tiffany
Scholarships; the Valentine Birely Scholarship; the Thompson Brown
Scholarship; the Isaac Cary Scholarship; the Philip Francis duPont Scholarships
and Fellowships; the Richard Eppes Memorial Scholarship; the William
C. Folkes Scholarships; the Frank Stringfellow Hall Scholarship; the
D. J. Hennessy Scholarship; the James Rufus Humphrey Scholarship;
the McCormick Scholarship; the Thomas Fortune Ryan Scholarships; the
Daniel Kerr Stewart Scholarship; the James Parker Williams Scholarship;
the Virginia Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy Scholarship;
the Samuel Watts Scholarship; the Bennett Wood Green Fellowships;
and the John Y. Mason Fellowship.

Loan funds also are available. For full information regarding scholarships,
fellowships, and loan funds, see the General Catalogue of the University.