University of Virginia Library

III. Justified.

‘This is the name wherewith she shall be called, The Lord our Righteousness.’— Jer. xxxiii. 16.

Israel of God, awaken! Church of Christ, arise and shine
Mourning garb and soilèd raiment henceforth be no longer thine!
For the Lord thy God hath clothed thee with a new and glorious dress,
With the garments of salvation, with the robe of righteousness.
By the grace of God the Father, thou art freely justified,
Through the great redemption purchased by the blood of Him who died;
By His life, for thee fulfilling God's command exceeding broad,
By His glorious resurrection, seal and signet of thy God.
Therefore, justified for ever by the faith which He hath given,
Peace, and joy, and hope abounding, smooth thy trial path to heaven:
Unto Him betrothed for ever, who thy life shall crown and bless,
By His name thou shalt be called, Christ, ‘The Lord our Righteousness!’