University of Virginia Library



Stay! this Graue deserues a Teare;
'Tis not a Coarse, but life lyes here:
May be thine owne, at least some part,
And thou the Walking Marble art.
'Tis Vaux! whom Art & Nature gaue
A powre to plucke men from the Graue;
When others druggs made Ghostes of men,
His gaue them back their flesh agen;
'Tis he lyes heere, & thou & I
May wonder he found time to dye;
So busyed was he, & so rife,
Distributing both health & life.
Honor his Marble with your Teares,
You, to whom he hath added yeares;
You, whose lifes light he was about
Soe carefull, that his owne went out.
Be you his liuing Monument! or we
Will rather thinke you in the Graue then he.