University of Virginia Library



[Devoted to eternal fire]

Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, &c. —xviii. 22.

Devoted to eternal fire,
If Thy Divine compassion end,
Shall sinners, Lord, of Thee inquire
How far their mercy shall extend,
How oft a sinner to receive,
How much of injury forgive?
O that I could like Thee forget
Whate'er to me my brother owes,
Remit the re-contracted debt,
A thousand times embrace my foes,
And still forgive with charity
Unbounded, as Thy love to me!
Me when an enemy to God,
Thou didst with arms of love embrace,
Though infinite the debt I owed,
Thy free, immeasurable grace
Forgave: and still Thou daily art
Inscribing pardon on my heart.