There is no extensive history of the concept of criticism.
See, however,
“The Term and Concept of Literary Criti-
cism” in René Wellek, Concepts of Criticism (New Haven,
1963); and
most histories of criticism, e.g., George Saints-
bury, A History of Criticism and
Literary Taste in Europe,
3 vols. (Edinburgh and New York,
1900-04); J. W. Atkins,
Literary Criticism in Antiquity, 2 vols. (London,
1934; re-
print New York), and three sequels
on English Criticism
up to the end of the eighteenth century;
René Wellek, A
History of Modern Criticism,
1750-1950, 4 vols. (New Haven,
1955-65); up to 1900. Cleanth
Brooks and William K.
Wimsatt, Literary Criticism; A
Short History (New York,
1957). There is no large history of
French criticism. In
German: G. Gudemann,
“Kritikos,” in Pauly-Wissowa-Kroll,
Real-Encyclopädie der Classischen
(Stuttgart, 1921), II, 1912-15;
Bruno Markwardt, Geschichte
der deutschen
Poetik, 5 vols. (Berlin, 1937-67). In Russian:
B. P.
Gorodetsky, A. Lavretsky, and B. S. Meilash, eds.
Istoriya russkoi kritiki, 2 vols. (Moscow,
1958). In Italian:
Luigi Russo, La Critica
letteraria contemporanea, 3 vols.
(Bari, 1946-47). G.
Marzot, “La Critica letteraria dal De
Sanctis ad
oggi,” in Letteratura italiana: Le Correnti,
(1956). On English criticism: George Watson, The Literary
Critics (Harmondsworth, 1962). On
American criticism:
Norman Foerster, American
Criticism (Boston, 1928);
Bernard Smith, Forces in American Criticism (New York,
1939); Stanley Edgar
Hyman The Armed Vision (New York,
1948); William
Van O'Connor, An Age of Criticism: 1900-
1950 (Chicago, 1952); Floyd Stovall, ed.,
The Development
of American Literary
Criticism (Chapel Hill, 1955); Walter
Sutton, Modern American Criticism (Englewood Cliffs,
N.J., 1963).
[See also Beauty;
Empathy; Historicism;
Literature; Style.]