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Virginia and Virginians

eminent Virginians, executives of the colony of Virginia from Sir Thomas Smyth to Lord Dunmore. Executives of the state of Virginia, from Patrick Henry to Fitzhugh Lee. Sketches of Gens. Ambrose Powel Hill, Robert E. Lee, Thos. Jonathan Jackson, Commodore Maury

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Physician of Lexington, Virginia, was born in Culpeper county, Virginia,
on November 16, 1816. He was educated at the University of
Virginia, and graduated in medicine in 1836. In October of that year
he commenced practice at Luray, Page county, Virginia, in 1855 removed
to Washington, D. C., and practiced in that city until 1859, in
which year he came to Lexington, where he has been in practice ever
since. During his residence in Page county, Dr. Freeman held the
office of magistrate four years, from 1866 to 1870 he was U. S. Assessor
of Internal Revenue, was then appointed postmaster at Lexington,
which office he held until July 1, 1882.

The father of Dr. Freeman was William Freeman, born in Culpeper
county, in 1776, served in the war of 1812, died in 1848, his
father John Freeman, of Culpeper, who was born in England and came
to the Colony of Virginia about 1710. Dr. Freeman's mother was
born in Culpeper county in 1797, and died in 1867, Mary, daughter
of John and Mary Lampkin, her father serving in the war of 1812, with
distinction, with rank of captain. His wife, whom he married at Luray
on October 9, 1837, and who was born there, is Mary A., daughter of
Charles H. Flinn and Margaret A. Lauck, his wife. Her father, born in
Culpeper county in 1796, died in Luray in 1873; her mother was born
in Winchester; her mother's father, who served in the Revolutionary
war, died in 1820.

Dr. Freeman is a Mason and an Oddfellow. Himself and wife are
members of the Episcopal church at Lexington. Their children were
six, born in the order named. Margaret, now deceased, Mary, lives in
Lexington, Virginia, deceased, Charles W., lives in Kansas City, Missouri;
Ada C., deceased; Robert Eldon, now a resident of Danville, Virginia.