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Father, whose everlasting love
Draws every sinner from above,
And points him to the' atoning blood,


Thou all the world wouldst freely save,
If all Thy record would believe,
That Thou hast Christ on all bestow'd.
Saviour of all, to Thee we bow;
The universal Saviour, Thou
Thy gift of life to all wouldst give:
'Tis we that make Thine offers vain,
We force Thy pity to complain,
“Ye will not come to Me, and live.”
Thee, Spirit of Love, we gladly praise,
Who strivest long with all the race;
We own Thine universal lure:
Had he accepted of Thine aid,
The blackest soul in hell had made
His calling and election sure.
Joint Causes of our glorious hope,
To Thee our thanks we offer up,
Of Thy free grace we make our boast;
On angels and archangels call,—
Praise ye the Lamb that died for all,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.


O Fountain of love, O God of all grace,
Whose bowels did move Toward Adam's lost race,
Accept our thanksgiving For sending our Lord,
That all men believing Might all be restored.


Great Friend of mankind, We trust in Thy blood;
Thy passion, we find, Hath brought us to God:
We thank and we bless Thee, Who savest us from thrall,
And gladly confess Thee, The Saviour of all.
O Spirit of love, Whom all men may feel,
Whose pity has strove And strives with us still,
We bless Thee for giving To all Thy free grace;
Thy prevalent striving Would save the whole race.


Father of our dear Lord,
Thy mercy we record,
Over all Thy works it shone;
Mercy freely Thee inclined,
Mercy gave Thine only Son,
Death to taste for all mankind.
O Lamb, for sinners slain,
For every soul of man,
Thou, for all men lifted up,
Drawest all men unto Thee:
Glory be to Christ our Hope!
All the world may hope in Thee.
Thee, Holy Ghost, we praise,
Giver of general grace;
Preacher Thou to spirits bound,
Dost for harden'd sinners grieve,
Those who, while He may be found,
Will not come to God and live.


Blessing, and praise to Thee,
All-glorious Trinity!
Live by all Thy works adored,
All below and all above,
Holy, holy, holy Lord,
God of grace, and God of love.


Father of mankind, whose love
In Christ for all is free,
Thou hast sent Him from above
To bring us all to Thee;
Thou hast every heart inclined
Christ the Saviour to embrace,
All those heavenly drawings find,
All may be saved by grace.
Christ, the true and living Light,
Thou shinest into all,
Lightest every son of night
That fell in Adam's fall:
Bear we witness unto Thee,
Thou Thy light to all dost give,
That the world through it might see
Their Saviour, and believe.
Holy Ghost, all-quickening Fire,
Thou givest each his day,
Dost one spark of life inspire
In every castaway;
Not to aggravate his sin,
Not his sorer doom to seal,
But that he might let Thee in
And all Thy fulness feel.


Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
All glory be to Thee;
The whole world of sinners lost
To save Thou dost agree:
Thee triumphantly we praise,
Vie with all Thy hosts above,
Shout Thine universal grace,
Thine everlasting love.


Praise God from whom pure blessings flow,
Whose bowels yearn on all below,
Who would not have one sinner lost;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!


To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Who sweetly all agree
To save a world of sinners lost,
Eternal glory be.


Father of Jesus Christ our Lord,
Giver of covenanted grace,
For ever be Thy love adored,
Which sent Thy Son to save our race;
To save the world, and not condemn,
That all the world might live through Him.
Thee, Saviour of mankind, we bless,
Who didst the' offending nature take;
The world's Desire, and Hope, and Peace,
Thou didst for all atonement make:


For men, and not for angels given,
Or hell might all be turn'd to heaven.
Spirit of power, and health, and love,
Who broodest over every soul,
Dost once in every bosom move,
And offer once to make all whole,
Let all Thy general grace adore,
And lie against Thy truth no more.


God of infinite compassion,
Thou hast gave Christ to save
All in every nation.
Thou hast all in Christ elected,
Not a soul of the whole
Was by Thee rejected.
Father of our common Saviour,
All Thy grace might embrace,
Might have once found favour.
Give we to our Lord the glory;
Lord, Thy love all may prove,
May with us adore Thee.
For us all Thy great salvation
Thou hast wrought; all hast bought
By Thy bloody passion.
Partner of the sinful nature,
Lord, Thine eye none pass'd by,
No one fallen creature.
Hail, Thou all-alluring Spirit;
All, would we follow Thee,
Might Thy heaven inherit.


To all flesh Thy grace is given,
All beneath feel Thy breath
Drawing them toward heaven.
Thy long-suffering is salvation,
Not to seal souls for hell,
Not for man's damnation.
God the Father through the Spirit
Shows His Son, makes Him known,
And applies His merit.
Father, Son, and Spirit bless us;
One and Three all agree,
Three are One in Jesus.
God is both the Gift and Giver;
Let us praise His free grace
Now, henceforth, for ever.


Paternal Deity,
Pure Universal Love,
All praise we render Thee
For sending from above
The glorious Partner of Thy throne,
Thine only co-eternal Son.
Jesus, the Woman's Seed,
The Covenant of peace,
To bruise the serpent's head,
To ransom us, and bless,
Thou to the Gentile world hast gave,
Not to condemn the world, but save.


The Lamb of God, who takes
The general sin away,
Who no exception makes,
But gives to each his day,
On Thee our common Lord we call,
And bless Thee, who hast died for all.
Thou all the debt hast paid,
For all a ransom given,
For all atonement made,
For all hast purchased heaven;
And now Thou art before the throne
To plead what Thou for all hast done.
We glorify the Dove,
Who peaceful tidings brings,
And whispers God is love,
And spreads for all His wings,
And strives, since first the world began,
With every fallen soul of man.
Thee, Holy Ghost, we praise;
Thy sweet attracting power
Would quicken all the race,
Would all mankind restore;
Salvation Thy long-suffering is,
And leads to everlasting bliss.


Publish we our Father's praise,
Saved by His unbounded grace;
Christ He gave for all that breathe,
Christ for all hath tasted death.


Christ we praise, our God above;
He is pure unspotted love,
Hateth nothing He hath made,
Died in every sinner's stead.
Let us the Good Spirit bless,
Him the gift of Christ confess,
Listen to His general call,
Yield, and He will save us all.
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Thee, with all the heavenly host,
We poor ransom'd worms adore
Now, henceforth, and evermore.


Father of earth and heaven,
All glory be to Thee,
Who self-inclined hast freely given
Thy Son to die for me;
For me and all that breathe,
For all of Adam's race,
The Second Adam tasted death,
By Thy all-pardoning grace.
We bless the saving name,
Jesus, the sinner's peace,
The Saviour of mankind, proclaim,
The Lord our Righteousness,
Whose gift is come to all;
For all the Lamb hath died;
The world may listen to His call,
The world is justified.


We glorify the Dove,
Who strives with every soul,
And witnesses that God is love
When He hath made us whole,—
Witnesses with the blood
That it for all did stream,
That all through Christ may come to God,
May all be saved through Him.
We magnify the grace,
The universal love
Of Father, Son, and Spirit praise,
With all the hosts above.
Till Christ on earth appears,
Angels, on you we call,
Come, praise with us, ye morning stars,
The Lamb that died for all.
With us together sing,
Your tongues and harps employ;
To sound the glories of our King,
Ye angels, shout for joy;
For joy that God hath died,
That we might be forgiven,
And find, with all the sanctified,
Our names enroll'd in heaven.
Worthy, O Lamb, art Thou,
That all Thy name should bless;
That every knee to Thee should bow,
And every tongue confess:
Thee, Jesus, Thee we own
For every sinner slain;
With Him that sitteth on the throne
Worthy art Thou to reign.


Hosannah to the Son!
Hosannah, cry aloud;
Then cast your crowns before the throne,
Ye first-born sons of God!
With you we now adore,
Low at His footstool fall,
And praise and worship evermore
The Lamb that died for all.