University of Virginia Library


By all things which may any way relate
To soul or body, credit or estate
We have been call'd upon, one way or other;
By sweet, and sharp things, and both mixt together.
By what to our chief joy, and sorrow tends;
By servants, neighbours, kindred, and by friends;
By sicknesses, and health; by scorns, and jeers;
By shame, and honour, and by hopes, and fears:
By other mens examples, GOD, forewarns;
Sometimes, by our own suff'rings, wisdom learns;
One while by wise men, and true Prophets teaches,
Sometimes, by Wizards, fools, and children preaches;
Then, last of all, when no effect these take,
By things (as now) like Bal'ams Ass, doth speak:
And, that, which all this, probably presages,
Is (without swift repentance) Bal'ams wages;
Which will be surely paid, when they who may
Prevent it yet, shall give their pow'r away:
Unless that Mercy, which no ending hath,
Shall once again, put off the day of wrath;
(Now near approaching) when, in few, or none,
There shall be any hope it may be done.