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Sec. 426. Report of births—births without attendance
of physician or midwife.

Every practicing physician or midwife in the City, under
whose charge or superintendence a birth shall hereafter take
place, shall file with the local Registrar a certificate of births as
required by the State law. In case the birth of any child shall
occur without the attendance of a physician or midwife, or should
no other person be in attendance upon the mother immediately
thereafter, it shall become the duty of the parent or parents of


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such child to report its birth to the local Registrar within ten days
after the birth and it shall be the duty of the local registrar to secure
the necessary information and signature to make a proper
certificate of birth. Any person or persons who shall hereafter
fail to comply with the provisions of this section shall be subjected
to a fine of not less than $1.00 nor more than $10.00 for
each offense.