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The early poems of John Clare

1804-1822: General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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[When natures beauty shines compleat]

When natures beauty shines compleat
Wi summers lovly weather
& evens shadows hang discreet
Brought swains & maids together
Then I did meet a charming face
But who—Ill be discreet
Tho lords emselves wi out disgrace
Might love whom I did meet
‘Good evening lovly lass’ said I
To make her silence break
The instant evenings blushing skye
Was rivald on her cheek
Her eyes were turnd upon the ground
She made me no reply
But down ward looks my bosom found
‘Yeve won me’ wisperd I
& I did try all love coud do
& she tryd all to flye
Now lingering slow to let me go
Then hurrying to go bye
‘My love’ said I ‘yeve me mistook
‘No harm from me yell meet’
She only answerd wi a look
But it was witching sweet


I begd excuse for freedoms case
& questiond bout her cot
She lifted up her lovly face
& pointed to the spot
& what was more—Ill be discreet
Tho nought of harm befell
I gaind her love & provd it sweet
Beyond what words can tell
I ownd my love & praisd her eyes
Whose power she little knew
& doubtless then she fancied lies
What since shes proved true
Confusions mingling fear & shame
Between the ‘yes’ & ‘no’
O when I mentiond loves soft name
How sweet her cheeks did glow
I told her all the open truth
Bout being a labouring swain
Wi not one groat to boast forsooth
But what hard work did gain
& begd excuse in such like clo'hs
Wi in her way to fall
Wenches are taen wi flashy beaus
But she excusd it all
As neer the humble cot we came
Her fears did meet alarm
Fear freends imprudent ways shoud blame
& think I meant her harm
So there I prest her to my heart
& there a kiss I taen
& there I vowd ere we did part
To meet her soon again