University of Virginia Library


The Spring's Mistress.


Behold those Chrystal Founts,
Which wander o're the verdant Plain;
How branched, plum'd those lofty Mounts!
Plush-banks bedrest with Flow'rs again!


The World's reviv'd:
Earth fine with Masquing Robes, bright Heavens surround,
And gentler-breathed Gales abound,
Whilst Mortals shew new-liv'd.


Chief Empress of the Spring,
Come forth with all thy beamy pow'r
Thine Hand-maid since such Smiles doth bring,
Let not the daintiest Mistress low'r;
Least spoyl'd from thence
This Field's fair Spring-time with my faithful Heart's
Drooping thy Frown to both imparts
Through strangest Influence.


Come, Sweetest, let us trace
To yonder Bow'r, prospective Hill,
Wing'd Chanters where, far more to grace,
Are joyn'd in chirping Consort still;
There's Venus-Fount,
Like moistned Pearls strain'd through those Rocks above,
All Lectures may: Joy, Beauty, Love,
At once to thee recount.