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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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To A fa[i]r Quaker in [the] Dumps
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To A fa[i]r Quaker in [the] Dumps

A Song/Tune/Blest as the Imortall


Clear up My Marg'ret let nae care
cast Clouds upon a face sae fair
Examine by thy light within
and be convincd it is a Sin
to Rob the warld of a these Charms
which evry wondring gazer warms
wha Ravishd canna think the[e] Less
than Angell in a Quaker's dress


Thy Een that glance with sic a fire
as might a Druid daisd inspire
with warmest wishes werna made
sae soon beneath a Gloom to fade
Thy Mouth and Breasts where charms contend
which Best shall Please a Trembling friend
Shoud ken nae grief nor pout nor pant
or ought to favour a Complaint



O Margret Like the Friends above
wha have nae ither wealth but Love
dispise the dross dug frae the Hills
(with which the wretch his coffer fills)
and with a Love as pure as mine
within my arms with joy recline
recline thy Cheek upon my Heart
and bid farewell to Evry Smart


I'll be to Thee if thou prove True
refreshing as the morning Dew
Thou Like the Sun shall gar me rise
and a' the thoughts of Earth dispise
Thus Hov'ring oer the shaking Grove
a while the Pearly Liquids move
Till Beams with fuller ardures flame
and dew & Rays become the Same