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[See the murderer's rage and power]

There came to Him a certain man, &c. —xvii. 14, 15.

See the murderer's rage and power
O'er feeble sinful man!
He would all our kind devour,
If Christ did not restrain:
Still himself the fiend abhorr'd,
In causes natural conceals,
Till our near-approaching Lord
The latent foe reveals.
Then the slaves of Satan know
Their souls possess'd by him,
Feel diversity of woe,
And every dire extreme:
Then by fire and water tried,
His utmost tyranny they bear,
Cast into the flames of pride,
And plunged in deep despair.
Willing to be rescued now,
To Jesus they draw nigh,
Tortured in His presence bow,
And meet His pitying eye;
Now their misery they confess,
With humble confidence display
All their sinful helplessness,
And for His mercy pray.