University of Virginia Library

To the QUEEN going to Bed.

Spoke by Mr. Pultney.

Madam, once more, th'obsequious Muse,
With Zeal and just Ambition fir'd,
Her grateful Homage here renews,
In Numbers by your self inspir'd:
And late her willing Duty shews,
To guard You to Your safe Repose.
Within this silent humble Cell,
Secure the Gifts of Sleep receive;
No Factions here, or Discords dwell,
To break that Rest the Muses give.
Here daily Cares help to encrease,
Not interrupt, our mighty Ease.
These Walls more happy now, possest
Of the most fair and shining Court,
Not in the Muses, but their Guest,
Theirs, and the Muses, chief Support.
So Delphos was the bless'd Abode
Of Phebus Priests, and of the God.
May Heaven its sacred Charge defend:
May every Grace, and every Muse,
Round You with watchful Care attend,


And Balms of gentle Sleep infuse,
Such as the Virtuous only know;
Kind, as the Blessings You bestow.