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The gentleman whose name captions this artcle is
regarded as one of Roanoke's most conservative, reliable
business men. G. W. Tompkins was born in
Carleton County, New Brunswick, Canada, and came
to the United States about thirty years ago and after
traveling extensively in the various sections of this
country, finally located at Pocahontas, Virginia, in
1890, where he was engaged in business pursuits for
ten years. Mr. Tompkins came to Roanoke in 1900
and was associated in business with his brother, Elmer
Tompkins, and in recent years they have dealt extensively
in real estate in this city and section. He is
a large owner of Roanoke realty and has contributed
a liberal share to the general upbuilding of Roanoke.
He is a broad-minded citizen and an earnest advocate
of any plan or theory that has for its object the general
upbuilding of this city. Mr. Tompkins is popular
among all classes of the city's population and he resides
in a beautiful home which is located at 703 South
Jefferson Street.