Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, 1648-1706 | ||
Of Ipswich. For the touching story of her trial and of the loyalty of her blind husband and her daughters, see especially Upham, Salem Witchcraft, II. 216-223, and, in the Historical Collections of the Topsfield Historical Society, XIII. (1908), the study on “Topsfield in the Witchcraft Delusion,” by Mrs. Towne and Miss Clark. In the same volume (pp. 107-126) Mr. G. F. Dow has published the records of her case more completely than has Woodward in Records of Salem Witchcraft (II. 69-94). She was executed on July 19.
What this purpose may have been does not appear in the evidence: John How testifies merely that a neighbor who had laughed at him for thinking the sow bewitched told him to cut off her ear, “the which I did.” It was doubtless to burn it, as a means to detect the witch. So, Perkins and Gaule say, in England it was a practice to burn the thing bewitched; and so at New Haven, in 1657, Thomas Mullener cut off the tail and ear of a pig and threw them into the fire to find out the witch (Records of the Colony of New Haven, II. 224). The belief was that the person who then first came to the fire was the witch (see below, p.411).
Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, 1648-1706 | ||