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Ah! wretch! what coldness freezes at my heart!
What dreadful aspect does my fate assume!
I see, I see the source of all my woes;
The wrath of Heaven pursued the unlawful nuptials.
My hairs stand up with horror! What am I!
What is the king!—Behold Olinthus now,
Nephew and son! Dirce my wife and sister!
Detested mixture, most unnatural kindred!
Fly, fly, Timanthes, hide thee from mankind.
Each hand will point at thee—thou now must prove
Thy aged father's curse! How will thy story
Be made the sport of fame! Unhappy Thrace,
Behold thy Œdipus! in me behold
The furies here renew'd of Thebes and Argos.


O! that these eyes had never gaz'd on Dirce!
What then I deem'd the violence of love
Was but the voice of nature—I'm become
A monster to myself! The light grows hateful!
Each breath affrights me, earth appears to sink
Beneath my trembling feet!—methinks I hear
Ten thousand thunders round me, while my crime
With every object glares upon my sight!