University of Virginia Library


To them LYCON, with ORESTES and ELECTRA, guarded.
, embracing LYCON.
My crown and life's preserver!—Welcome, Lycon—
What tidings of the rebels?


In confusion,
They have retreated to the sacred grove?
A hold so strong, that all attempts to force it,
Till farther aids are gather'd, might prove fatal.
Pardon the trespass, if their active zeal
Has been too forward, but my soldiers seiz'd
The princess with this youth, as they attempted
Escaping from the palace to the foe.

Secure 'em both—by heav'n they both shall rue it.
That beardless stripling with his life shall pay
The price of so abhor'd and foul a treason.
And for yon viper, whose invenom'd teeth,
Would tear my vitals, on her head shall drive
The storm directed with such rage at mine.
'Twill joy me to behold her writhing pangs—
Her groans will sound like music's sweetest notes,
Her tears be dropping balm to my repose.
Drag 'em away.

I'll not sollicit mercy:
For could I stoop to ask it, well I know,
From knowing thee, that I should ask in vain.
The debt of piety I owe a father—
A murder'd father—and the dear regard
An injur'd brother claims, would move compassion
Ev'n in a foe who had humanity,


Did I acknowledge all that you suspect.
But I'm before a judge whose heart is iron;
And whose invet'racy would turn the test
Of spotless innocence against itself.
Be rancour then indulg'd. Sate your revenge
With all the tortures cruelty can frame—
I'll strive to meet them with such fortitude
As courage gives, and dignity demands.
But since my blood must stream, let mine suffice.
This hapless youth, unfriended and unknown,
Whom I persuaded to assist my flight,
Deserves no share of punishment.

Hear me,
Since I it was who counsell'd her to go.
'Twas I was privy to the plot against you,
And first appriz'd her of it. She was drawn
By fond affection for a long-lost brother,
But to behold him. As a helpless woman,
She could not injure—could not wield a sword,
As I had sworn to do, against your crown.

His aim is to deceive you—

Heed her not—

Alas! he raves!


No I am calm, and fearless—
Disdaining safety from a woman's peril.

By my best wishes, this distracted struggle
Starts a surmise that's worthy my pursuing.
Such wonderful regard—such flaming zeal
Of each to save the other makes it plain—
He can be—is, no other than Orestes.

Suspicion will suggest the means for proof—
Nor shall my honour take the stain of falsehood—
Then know me for the rightful monarch here.
I will not stoop from royalty so low
As to sollicit, or accept your favour:
But to th' unerring justice of the Gods
Submit my lot—let them determine it.

A mind so haughty in a state so abject,
Fails of its end, not kindling admiration.
An impotence of pride's ally'd to folly,
And, as it merits, ever meets derision.
But your heroic spirits shall be try'd.
Alike your vaunted fortitude exert,
For both shall suffer.

Can I tamely stand,
And see my children doom'd to death before me!


No—agonizing nature prompts the plea
Which sure would soften ev'n offended Gods!
O my Ægysthus! if you ever lov'd
Your Clytemnestra, spare her panting bowels,
And wade no farther on in guiltless blood.
[While Clytemnestra is speaking, Ægysthus talks with Lycon.
My soul's already on distraction's verge!
Ah! timely stop the arm of violence—
For so much slaughter have my eyes beheld,
That more must make me mad.

, apart to LYCON.
'Tis wisely urg'd—
Their deaths would worse inflame the factious spirits.

, apart to ÆGYSTHUS.
And should the fortune of your arms give way,
Their persons may secure your terms.

, apart to LYCON.
'Tis true,
And well advis'd. They shall not suffer now—
We'll weigh this matter farther.

Turn, in pity,
And see these streaming eyes—

Detested sight!
Be dumb upon this theme—or, by the Gods!
You share the doom you never shall revoke.

, Rising.
Be those just Gods as deaf to your petition
In life's last fearful moments.


Say'st thou!—Traitress.
Hence, from my sight.

Would I had been so ever.

Seize her, and force her instantly away.

Inhuman tyrant!—off—stand off—I'm calm—
And, tho' insulted, know me for a queen.
My anguish swells too high for tears or words—
Thou can'st not frown me dead—I wish thou could'st—
Then might I find an end of guilt and sorrow.
O heart too hard for wrongs or griefs to break—
When will thy suff'rings cease?—Distressful sight!—
The innocent and injur'd weep at woes
Too justly merited by wrongs to them.
Celestial pow'rs!—protect my helpless children—
They've now no hope of succour but from you.