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Goddess of the silver bow!
Unto thee my days I vow:—
Guard me in thy sylvan shade
From all terrors for a maid;
From all wildness prowling round
Keep me, in thy virgin bound.
Love,—I will not heed his shaft,
Maiden wit defies his craft;
Hymen,—better Dian's light
Than his flame, however bright:
Goddess! take me for thine own.
—She forgot Endymion.
Even while the girl did pray,
Phœbe was upon her way
To the happy Latmos cave;
Yet to her votary she gave,
In despite of loving haste,
Answer holy, pure, and chaste.


Worship thou among my train,
Looking not for Love, nor fain
Hymen's flaring torch to invite
To my realm of calm delight!
Wait!—And farther had said on,
But stopp'd to kiss Endymion.