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Vigil and vision

New Sonnets by John Payne

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MAILIED, OP. 18, No. 1.

TEN o'clock of a morn of May!
The air wells over with wilding rhyme;
The throstle trills on the leafing lime:
“The nest is built on the bending spray;
“The eggs are hatching”; I hear him say.
“The summer cometh! With song 'tis time
“To hail the heart of the pleasant prime,
“The mid-Spring sweet of the dainty day.”
Come, throstle, trill me thy sweetest song!
God wot, we have languished over long
For Winter-weariness, thou and I!
Our best and brightest behoveth sing,
Whilst green the grass is and blue the sky;
Alack! for Summer is swift of wing.