University of Virginia Library




Air—“When the house is rinnin' round about it's time enough to flit.”

When there's joy in ilka heart, and there's mirth in every e'e,
When we've burst the bands o' care and feel the spirit free,
An' we canna tell what house it is, we then may think it fit
To whisper to each other—Is the house warm yet?
Is the house warm yet? is the house warm yet?
It aye becomes the cozier the langer that we sit;
An' till it's like an oven we will never steer a fit,
Though we ask at ane anither—Is the house warm yet?
When Bell begins to falter in his boisterous career,


And Mackenzie's merry voice begins to sound a little queer,
And Hill's becoming tuneless—we may the question pit,
In whispers to each other—Is the house warm yet?
Is the house warm yet? &c.
When Rhind begins, with husky throat, to overture the chair,
And the joyous-hearted Crutherland seems quite o'ercome wi' care,
And Ellis seems at sea—we may then the question pit,
In whispers to each other—Is the house warm yet?
Is the house warm yet? &c.
When Macnee confuses Archie wi' the little Paisley boy,
And Dunbar's tongue is motionless by sheer excess of joy,
And Spens callsit doubly hazardous—we then may think it fit
To inquire at ane anither—Is the house warm yet?
Is the house warm yet? &c.


When Salmond breaks his glass and seeks to justify the deed,
And the Doctor frae Gartnavel tries to stand upon his head,
And the landlord fa's asleep—we may then the question pit,
In whispers to each other—Is the house warm yet?
Is the house warm yet? &c.
And when the house is warmed at last, and frae it we have gane,
We maun haud a carefu' memory o' the road back again;
An' o' friendship an' o'kindness we'll often tak a fit,
An' come rinnin' back to ask—Is the house warm yet?
Is the house warm yet? &c.