University of Virginia Library



I know a lass I will not name,
For in this evil planet
A thousand tongues my praise would blame,
So I'll just call her Janet.
A lass of such fine witching grace,
That, but my sails are furled,
I'd chase her at a rattling pace
For love o'er half the world;
This dainty Janet!
Hast seen the swan, whose plumes avail
For smoothest luxury's pillow,
That sails and scarcely seems to sail
Full-bosomed o'er the billow;


So graceful she, so stately mild,
So queenly, so majestic,
Yet sportive as a very child,
With kindly thoughts domestic,
This rare young Janet!
Thou know'st the yellow furze in May,
Its odorous richness flinging
Far o'er brown heath and grassy brae,
When cuckoo's note is ringing;
So rich in golden gleams is she,
Such fragrance floateth from her,
It makes me happy as a bee
Drunk with the breath of Summer
To look on Janet!
Thou know'st the pure, pellucid lake,
The mountain stream's fair daughter,
Where tree and tower their image make
In the soft-cradling water;
So clear, so soft, fair Janet's eye
Her heart's pure depth discloses,
While eloquent smiles around her fly,
Like hues from bursting roses,
So true is Janet!


Nor only true, but seeks for truth
With careful, nice endeavour,
And to this service yields her youth,
With every gift God gave her.
With the strong arms of love she clings
To all Earth's living creatures,
And worships in the meanest things
The trace of God's own features,
This high-souled Janet!
Nor knows alone, but liberal throws
The seeds of truth diffusive,
And with sweet breath away she blows
Each filmy mist delusive.
O what a grace has truth, when she
And such as she are preachers!
To spurn God's law may guiltless be
From harsh and thorny teachers,
But not from Janet!
The Earth is full of lovely things;
Within this teeming planet
To each a separate pleasure springs,
But my delight is Janet.


To ken a star, or gauge a storm,
Some men will mountains move,
But in my heart the blood grows warm
When I behold and love
This rare dear Janet!