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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, The Lord reigneth.” —1 Chronicles, xvi. 31.

Be glad ye heavens, thou earth rejoice,
Man! spread through every nation
With joyful and triumphant voice
The gospel of salvation:
Publish his glory, and his praise
Whose word his works sustaineth,
And gratefully this anthem raise
Rejoice! The Lord yet reigneth!
Before His footstool prostrate fall,
Whose gracious bounty giveth
To each created object—all
On which enjoyment liveth:—
From Him alone each good descends,
His arm each ill restraineth;
Then tell to earth's remotest ends
The Lord in glory reigneth!


Praise Him for all that ye possess
Of riches, glory, power;—
Ye who have neither yet may bless
His goodness every hour:
His watchful and protecting eye
The meanest ne'er disdaineth,
Raise then, ye poor, your voice on high,
For you, for you He reigneth.
But chiefly for salvation's gift,
Of which He is the Donor,
Angels and men your voices lift,
In songs of praise and honour:
O sing with gratitude His name
Whose death our life remaineth,
The love of Jesus loud proclaim,
And say, The Lord still reigneth.