University of Virginia Library

I. Psalm lxxxvii.

Lo! founded by Almighty hands,
Amid the holy mountains Sion stands,
Jehovah's own abode;—
The sacred courts where more He loves to dwell,
Than in thy goodliest cities, Israel.
What glories wait thee, City of our God!
Hereafter, at thy sacred seat,
The Egyptian shall the proud Chaldean meet;
With gifts shall hither come:
And swarthy Cush, and Tyre, and Palestine,
Shall crowd thy gates, and call their children thine
And boast of Sion as their native home.


Jehovah shall approve their claim,
And register full many a Gentile name
Among the chosen race.
Nations unborn shall join the choral throng,
And swell the hallelujah's ceaseless song,
Thou well-spring of my joy! thou holy, happy place!