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At length th'expected time was told,
When the young Heir was ten years old;
And now, as it had been agreed,
A Father's rightful claims succeed,
And, freed from his domestic rule
The Boy was sent to Public School.


—The Doctor, though with cause to grieve,
Approv'd the plan and took his leave;
But while 'twas plain he inward sigh'd,
He wore the air of Classic pride.
Thus did he close his last address,
And thus he did his Pupil bless.
“Heaven guide you, and may Learning's ray
“Direct you in your destin'd way!
“By my Instruction you're prepar'd
“For Classic Honour's best reward.
“Whatever, dignity or Fame
“Adorn your future Master's name,
“Fear not, whate'er that name may be,
“To tell him—You've been taught by me.”