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The Works of the Late Aaron Hill

... In Four Volumes. Consisting of Letters on Various Subjects, And of Original Poems, Moral and Facetious. With An Essay on the Art of Acting

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Abstract from Psalm cxiv.

When, from proud Egypt's hard and cruel hand,
High-summon'd Israel sought the promis'd land,
The opening sea divided, at her call,
And refluent Jordan rose, a wat'ry wall!
Light, as met lambs, the starting hills leapt wide,
And the slow mountains roll'd themselves aside!
Why, O thou sea! did thy vast depth divide?
And why, O Jordan! fled thy back'ning tide?
Why leapt your lines, ye frighted hills, astray?
And what, O mountains! rent your roots away?
Hark! I will tell—proud earth confess'd her God,
And mark'd his wond'rous foot-steps, as he trod.
While bent to bless, He chear'd his thirsty flock,
And, into floods of liquid length, dissolv'd the loosening rock.