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The 148th Psalm Paraphras'd.


Ye Blest Inhabitants, who dwell
Above th' expanded Starry Space;
Ye Beings of Celestial Race,
Begin the Noble Song, and God's Just Praises tell.
Those Blessed Powers I mean, whose Sacred Lays
Are ever dedicated to His Praise.
Who His Eternal Majesty proclaim,
And never cease to glorifie His Name.
Praise him, ye Lamps of Heav'n, ye glittering Stars;
And You, O Sun and Moon, unweary'd Travellers:
Wherever round the World you go,
Whatever Clime You visit here below,
His worthy Praises sing, His Noble Wonders show.



Cease not Ye Heav'n of Heav'ns; nor Thou,
O Heav'nly Ocean beside,
Where never Winds did in their ratling Coaches ride,
Or discompose thy Watry Brow:
Where never raging Storms did roar;
Where never Mariners did cut their Way,
Except the Blessed Mariners, They,
Who thro' this Sea are wasted to their Heav'nly Shore.
Praise him, ye Seas; and as you rowl along
Tune all your Waters with a Grateful Song.
Never, O never silent be;
But let Posterity his Wonders hear,
His Acts to late Posterity declare,


How at his FIAT th' undigested Heap
From Chaos Womb began to leap.
For ever keep my Law, said He,
Firm and Unshaken, stand in perfect Unity,
Nor Fate, nor Time, shall break th' unchangeable Decree.


Let Earth, and all her Num'rous Issue prove,
As full of Gratitude and Love,
As those Celestial Creatures are Above.
Whether they Sheep or Lions be,
Which Bleat on Fruitful Pasture Lands,
Lions and Sheep shall in his praise agree
Or howl o'er Libya's Burning Sands:
Praise him, ye Fishes, which the Ocean sweep,
With Great Leviathan of monstrous Size,
Who takes his Pastime in the Deep,
And Spouts against the Skies.



Nor shall the Liquid World alone declare
His Praise, but all the Regions of the Air
Where Thunders rowl, and Lightnings shine,
Shall in the Universal Chorus joyn.
The rattling Hail, and Fleecy Snow,
And Winds which from each Corner blow
When with their Breath rough Storms they raise
To execute his Word below,
Shall speak his Wonders, and exalt his Praise.
Let joyful Echo's ev'ry Valley fill,
And ev'ry Mountain, ev'ry Hill:
Till the glad Sound does to the Trees repair,
Till Lebanon's Tall Cedars hear:
Till the wild Beasts, which round the Forest rove


Become Serene and Tame,
Taught by the Vocal Grove,
In smoother Strains to praise their Makers Name.
Praise him ye Birds of an unweary'd Wing.
Whether you in the Woods delight to sing,
Or fill the Air with an harmonious Lay,
To God your grateful Notes and Harmony repay.


Nor, you O Kings and Princes, cease to sing:
Ye Great Vice-Gods of this Terrestrial Ball,
Do You the humble Tribute bring
To God the Universal King,
The Father, and acknowledg'd Lord of All.
Him let all Nations and all People praise,
From whence the Sun begins his Morning Race,
Till down he drives his Chariot in the Western Seas.


Him let all Human kind adore;
The Blooming Youth, and Lovely Maid,
And Hoary Age, by Time decay'd,
And helpless Infancy express his Power.
Thus his dear Saints shall spend their Night and Day;
Thus shall his Darling Israel praise and pray,
And sing an everlasting Halleluiah.