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Spiritual Songs, or, Songs of Praise to Almighty God Upon several Occasions

Together with The Song of Songs Which is Solomons. First Turn'd, then Paraphrased in English Verse. The Second Edition, Corrected, with an Addition of a Sacred Poem on Dives and Lazarus [by John Mason]

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My Dearest Church, I do Admire
The Beauties of thy Mind,
So meek, So harmless, So intire.
So Loyal, and so Kind,
Even thy Profession I Esteem,
Because it Springs from Grace,


Which makes Thee yet more comely seem,
As Hair Adorns the Face.


Thy Pastours which prepare thy Food,
Do in their Minds agree;
Their Lives and Doctrines both are good,
And bring much Fruit to Me.


Thy Speech so season'd is with Grace,
That many Hearts it moves.
And Graces Colour in thy Face
Its great Advantage proves.


Thy Faith which Joyns thee to thy Head,
Doth shield thine inward Parts.
This Shield hath oft Extinguished
The Devils Fiery Darts.


The two Breasts of thy Testaments
Most Friendly do Accord,
Which Nourishment and sweet Content
To New-born Babes afford.
The Cries of a distressed Soul,
These Breasts of Comfort still.
These Breasts make glad whom Sin makes sad,
These Breasts the Hungry Fill.



The Word is here the Churches Fare,
And Faith the Churches Light,
Till Shades give way to Glories Day
Then shall She Live by Sight.
Mean while my Gracious Presence shall
Her Dear Assemblies Fill,
Her Prayers shall be most Sweet to Me
Sweet as the Incense-Hill.
Mean while my Glorious Presence shall
Fill Heaven, that Holy Ground,
Where Cherubims and Seraphims
Their Halleujahs Sound.


My Dearest Church, How clear art thou,
On whom no Sin remains!
My Blood apply'd hath purify'd
Thee from thy Guilts and Stains.
Thou art to Me as white as Snow,
And tho' Thou Sinnest Still,
Grace keeps Thee in, thou canst not Sin
With full Consent of Will.


Let my Fair Glories Thee intice
To come along with Me,


Forsake thine Earthly Paradise,
Thy Paradise I'le be.
Birth, Pleasures, Riches, Friends and Fame
Are all Summ'd up in Me.
O that thou knew'st how good I am!
Come now and Tast and See.
This World's an howling Wilderness
Fill'd with the Beasts of Prey.
Whilest that they Rage, Roar and oppress,
On Canaan Fix thine Ey.


My Heaven-Born Spouse, whom I embrace,
My Joy and Crown thou art.
Thine Ey of Faith, thy Chain of Grace
Have overcome my Heart.


My Dearest Spouse of Heavenly Birth,
Thy Love is more to Me
Then all the Pleasures of the Earth,
And Sweet thy Graces be.


Thy Speeches in thy Heart are bred,
And Sweetly do they Flow.
Thy Works do such a Savour Spread,
As Lebanons Spices do.



Disguised to the World thou go'st;
Heaven in a Mistery.
To Me thou run'st, to Me thou Flow'st.
None knowes thy worth but I.
As thou art Mine, so I am thine.
My Love doth guard thy Heart.
Thy Heart's with Me, my Love's with thee.
My Church, How safe thou art!

13, 14

My Church, Thou art a Paradise
Where Fruits and Spices grow
Fair are thy Fruits, and from thy Spice
The Sweetest Odours Flow.
The tender Plants thy Children are,
Their Graces, Fruits and Spice;
I am the Tree of Life in Thee,
My Church, my Paradise.


Thou art a Spring, which to thy Plants
Dost thy pure Streams derive:
Under thine Ey and Ministry
Thy Blest Assemblies Thrive.

The Church.


My Lord, If I a Garden am,
Then let thy Spirit Blow,


And with its Gales refresh the same,
And make my Graces Flow.
And when thy Spirit thus hath blown,
And I do Flourish most,
Then let my Dearest Lord come down,
And Feed upon his Cost,
So poor I am, So great thou art,
Thee, Lord, how can I Feast?
Furnish the Table of my Heart,
Then come and be my Guest.