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Þo gan on as it were hore maister is mouþ vndo wel softe
And wolcomede him mildeliche & þonkede oure Louerd ofte
Þat such porpos him hadde isend & studeuast herte also
Þat he ne changede noȝt is þoȝt for al þat was ido
Beu frere he sede ihered be[o] God þat þe haþ hider ibroȝt
And among al þine stronge von studeuast iveost þi þoȝt
Of þe pine of sunfol gostes yfonded þou hast inou
And þer wiþ þine sunne ibet for elles it were wou
Þou miȝt here somdel ise[o] þat þou wilnest more
Of þe ioie of gode soulen þat comeþ to milce and ore
Þe place þat we inne beoþ ich wene þou ne knowest noȝt
Hit is eorþlich parais þat Adam was inne ibroȝt
And þat he was inne ymad & suþþe for his misdede
Icast out ar we were ibore an eorþe in alle wrechede
Al þe ioie þat her is he hadde her to is wille
Ac he ne say þo he was out icast þerof noȝt worþ a uille
Of is wrechede we beoþ ikenned & of is sunfol blod icome
Ac þat us was þoru Godes grace [þoru oure] Cristendom bynome
Ac þat we after oure Cristendom of sunne an eorþe wroȝte
An eorþe oþer in pultatorie wel deore we it boȝte
Vor we alle as þou her sucst þereuorþ hider come
And oure sunnes þere bette and harde penance nome
We ne miȝte noȝt elles hider come as god bi þe it is
And ȝif þi sunne nere forȝiue þou ne come noȝt her iwis
And al þat þou þere iseie hider to us ssolleþ wende
And alday doþ wanne hi habbeþ [] hore penance ibroȝt to ende
Ac non not hou longe he ssel þere bileue iwis
Ac wo so eny vrend an eorþe haþ þe betere mid him it is
For mid massen & oþer bedes & mid almes dede


Me may hore pine muche alegge & þe sonore þerof lede
And wanne eny of hom hider comeþ aȝen him we wendeþ echon
As we dude aȝen þe wiþ ioie & ledeþ him anon
Ac þar nis non of us þat be[o] worþe ȝute to heuene wende
Ne non þat wite wanne oure Louerd after him wole sende
For ech man þat into heuene ssel þoru pultatorie mot
And suþþe into eorþlich parais þere we beoþ wel ichot
Vor þis is oure kunde eritage for iwroȝt we were herto
Vor oure veorste uader it forgulte & forte he hadde misdo
And here we ssolde alle habbe ibe[o] bore & iliued oure lif also
For oure Louerd þat we were in more ioie ido
Ac wanne men beoþ out icast her uorþ hy mote eft wende
Aȝen ward ar hi to heuene come after hore liues ende
Ac al þe ioie þat is here ne amonteþ noþing iwis
Aȝen þe leste ioie of heuene wel muche þe meste is
Ac somþing þou sselt of heuene ise[o] in a place her ney
Hi ladde him up an hei hulle and bad him biholde an hey
And esste of him wuch colour were heuene up riȝt þere
He sede him þoȝte riȝt as gold þat wellinge were
Þe oþer sede þis is þe wey þat geþ to heuene blis
And þat is þe ȝet of parais þat wiþoute heuene ȝute is
Eche day somme of pultatorie hider comþ us to
And somme of us henne ech day to heuene wendeþ also
So þat we wexeþ ofte a day & waineþ þou suxst lo
We nuteþ of us wuch is next bote as God wol habbe ido
Ech day þe wile we here beoþ oure Louerd us vet ene
Wiþ delicious metes of heuene & swete inou & clene
Þat be[o] þulke holy mete ar þou henne wende
Wiþ us þou sselt sone iwite wanne God hine wolde sende
Nadde he bote þis word ised þat þer ne com aliȝte


A maner breþ fram heuene adoun þat ssinde cler and briȝte
Þat ouerspradde al þat lond & a cler leom þer wiþoute
Ope euerich is heued liȝte adoun cleror þanne aboute
And upe þis kniȝtes heued ek & up him smot anon
And þoru ech lim him þoȝte & þoru ech liþ it gan gon
Þat in so muche delit and ioie him þoȝte neuere he nas
He stod as he were ynome he nuste ware he was
Ne weþer he was quik [oþer] ded bote in metynge as it were
Louerd muche is þe ioie of heuene as hi velde alle þere
Ac ne laste bote lite stonde þat þe leome ne wiþdrou
Ac naþeles þei it lite ilaste hy were alle vol inou
Þis kniȝt stod & biheld aboute & is riȝt stat vnderstod
So uol he was of þis holy lime [þat] so delicious was and god
Þat þei he lyuede him þoȝte eueremo & neuere eft mete ne ete
Him ne ssolde neuere eft to mete luste so god was þe leom & swete
Lo sede þis oþer gost þat him ssewede al þis place
Nou þou hast somdel yseie of oure Louerdes grace
Of pine þat wrecche gostes habbeþ for hore misdede
And of ioie þat gode gostes in parais doþ lede
And somdel ek of þe grete ioie þat in heuene is
And ech day we beoþ ived enes wiþ suche ioie & blis
& be[o] we al day uol inou þanne forte oure Louerd us more sende
And in such ioye hi þat in heuene beoþ beoþ wiþoute ende
And ȝute somdel in more it ne waneþ hom neueremo
And we ne beoþ aday bote enes [iued] forte þat we þuder go
And wanne þat we þuder comeþ we ssolleþ wiþoute ende
And þou ȝif þou it wolt ofseruy þuder forto wende
As þi wille is þou miȝt do wanne þou comst to eorþe iwis


Ac þuder þou most anon aȝen for al tyme it is
And ȝif þou wolt þere god lyf lede þi mede þou miȝt ise[o]
Also wat pines þe abideþ ȝif þou wolt luþer be[o]
Aȝen þou most wende anon go uorþ a Godes name
And go sikerliche for þe deuelen ne mowe þe do no ssame
Adrad hi beoþ wel sore of þe & ofssamed in ech side
A Godes name go forþ þi wei for þou ne sselt no leng abide