University of Virginia Library

Now speke we of þe Epiphany,
that lewet men callen þe twelf day,
how hit was ordeynt & for-qvy,
diuerse skilles I wil now say.
ffor four myracles wel I fynde
this holi fest mich honoures is,
that I wil myn to haue in mynde
that ȝe moun honour hit not amys;
As this day thre kynges of kynde
worshipeden Crist forsoth i-wys,
baptiset he was als to vnbynde
our bale & bryng vs into blys,
Water he turnet into wyn
In a toun in Galile,
that was broȝt to architryclyne
fforto assay þerof & se,


ffyue thousande men in wildernes
with fyue looues of barly-brede
And two fisches þat he couth bles
he fed, & ȝet twelfe lepis lede
Of relif þat þer laft wes,
thus sauet he hom þai wer not dede,
And to þat peple shewide expres
verray signe of his godhede.