University of Virginia Library

While þe tvo derlinges talked to-gadere,
þe werwolf an huge hert hade hunted riȝt þider,
& riȝt be-fore hem boþe brouȝt hit to deþe;
& hastilyche þan hiȝed & an hinde brouȝt,
serued it in þe same wise as þe hert bi-fore,
& went wiȝtly a-wei wit-oute any more.
þan wist william wel bi þe bestes wille,
þat he þe hert & þe hinde hade þere slayne,
him & his loueliche lemman to lappe in þe skinnes,
& bileue þere þe beres felles þat so busili were a-spied.
& mekli þan to meliors he munged what he þouȝt,
& seide, “se wich a selcouþ þis semliche best worcheþ,
for-þi crist, crouned king kepe him fro sorwe,
& late man neuer haue miȝt him to misdone.”
“þat graunt god,” seide meliors “for his swete miȝt;
for nere þe help of heuen king & þe hende best,
oure liues hadde be lore many a day seþþe.”
“ȝa, i-wisse,” seide william “my derworþ herte;
for-þi at oure bestes wille worche we nouþe.
hastili hulde we þe hides of þise bestes,
Greiþe we vs in þat gere to go ferþer hennes.”
william hent hastili þe hert & meliors þe hinde,
& a[s] smartli as þei couþe þe skinnes of-turned.
eiþer gamliche gan greþe oþer gailiche þer-inne,
þat þe skinnes sat saddeli sowed to hem boþe,
as hit hade ben on þe beste þat hit growed.
& better þei semed þan to siȝt semliche hertes,


þan þei semed be-fore beres whan þei were,
so iustili on eþer of hem were ioyned þe skinnes.