University of Virginia Library



Now mychtie Musis, from ȝour sacred seats
Defound sum douceur in my barran braine,
My sclender skill And Indeuoir debeats.
O Naturall Nymphs, I pray ȝow not disdaine
To view the vigor of my viddrit vaine,
And vith sum liquor of ȝour lywelie springs
Supplie at neid, And mollifie againe
My lost Ingyn, that langor ay malings.
Procelling spreits, Apollos sisters fair,
That plesandlie vpon Pernasso sports,
Renew my versis vith ȝour holsum air,
And lat me smell ȝour seimlie sueit resorts;
Confort me now that humyllie ȝow exhorts,
Prepair my purpose spedelie perfyt,
And ayd me vith ȝour pithie guid reports
Ewen for hir saik that to me did Indyt.
I do presum to speik Quhair Pallas spyis,
Quhair grace dois grow, And vordie vichts adoirs:
Quhair Cleo serwes My pen to hir replyis.
O Gods dewyn, that in hir guidnes gloirs,
Now vith sum Prudence perce my spreit and poirs
To pleis hir courtas comlie hautie hart,
for I persawe hir suggurit styll restoirs
My Muse, dismayd vith melancolius smart.


Immortall praise agmenting moir and moir
To dew deseruing of ȝour vertew rair,
The laurer croune of euirlasting gloir
Is grantit ȝow be wyse Minerua fair.
Perll of all Praise, that on me hes don spair
Maist vordie verse, Quhat thanks sall I resing?
Renownit Rose, my rym may not declair
The gloir quhilk ȝe to Helicon doith bring.
All Nymphs preclair, that hants thois blomit banks
And schruds amongs the semlie schaddouit schaws,
To ȝow, Madam, dois Rander humyll thanks,
Quhais hich Ingyn vorschips thair sacred laws.
Thair is No Muse ȝour ladischip misknaws,
Bot honors ȝow as Patrone principall,
The sisters thrie ȝour famus fame furthblaws,
Sibilla sayis ȝe salbe speciall.
Rycht loth I am ȝour prudent spreit to griwe
Vith prolixt purpose formit Imperfyt:
Excuise my Muse quhilk ruidlie dois Imbriwe,
And with the luisteur of ȝour color quhyt
Annamell all my blobit dull Indyt,
As I beliwe ȝour courtassie so vill:
Concluding thus, God giwe ȝow ay delyt,
Lyk as my seruice salbe stedfast still:
Ȝours als assurit quhill my lyf prolong
As steill Indurit forgit stif and strong.