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ELEGIA. 5. Ad amnem dum iter faceret ad amicam.

ELEGIA. 5. Ad amnem dum iter faceret ad amicam.

Floud with red-growne slime bankes, till I be past,
Thy waters stay: I to my mistresse hast.
Thou hast no bridge, nor boate with roapes to throw,
That may transport me without oares to row.
Thee I haue pass'd, and knew thy streame none such,
When thy waues brim did scarse my ankles touch.
With snow thaw'd from the next hill now thou rushest,
And in thy fowle deepe waters thick thou rushest.

What helpes my hast: what to haue tare small rest?
What day and night to trauaile in her quest?
If standing here I can by no meanes get,
My foote vpon the further banke to set.
Now wish I those wings noble Perseus had,
Bearing the head with dreadfull arrowes clad,
Now wish the chariot, whence corne fields were found,
First to be throwne vpon the vntill'd ground,
I speake old Poets wonderfull inuentions,
Nere was, nor shall be, what my verse mentions.
Rather thou large banke ouer-flowing riuer,
Slide in thy bounds, so shalt thou runne for euer.
(Trust me) land-streame thou shalt no enuie lack,
If I a louer be by thee held back.
Great flouds ought to assist young men in loue,
Great flouds the force of it do often proue.
In mid Bithyma 'tis said Inachus,
Grew pale, and in cold foords not lecherous.
Troy had not yet bene ten yeares siege out-stander,
When nimph-Neæra rapt thy lookes Scamander.
What? not Alpheus in strange lands to runne,
Th' Arcadian Virgins constant loue hath wonne?
And Crusa vnto Zanthas first asside,
They say Peneus neere Phithias towne did hide.
What should I name Æsope, that Thebe lou'd,
Thebe who mother of fiue daughters prou'd.
If Achelous, I aske where thy hornes stand,
Thou sayest broke with Alcides angry hand.
Not Calydon, nor Ætolia did please,
One Deianira was more worth then these.
Rich Nile by seuen mouthes to the west sea flowing,
Who so well keepes his waters head from knowing.

Is by Euadne thought to take such flame,
As his deep whirle-pooles could not quench the same.
Dry Empeus, Tyro to embrace,
Fly back his shame charg'd, the streame charg'd, gaue place.
Nor passe I thee, who hollow rocks downe tumbling,
In Tiburs field with watry some art rumbling.
Whom Ilia pleas'd, though in her lookes griefe reueld,
Her cheekes were scratcht, her goodly haires discheueld.
She wailing Mars sinne, and her vncles crime,
Strayd bare-foote through sole places on a time.
Her, from his swift waues, the bold floud perceau'd,
And from the mid foord his hoarse voyce vpheau'd,
Saying why sadly tread'st my bankes vpon,
Ilia, sprung from Idæan Laomedon?
Where's thy attire? why wand'rest heere alone?
To stay thy tresses white veyle hast thou none?
Why weep'st? and spoil'st with teares thy watry eyes?
And fiercely knock'st thy brest that open lyes?
His heart consists of flint, and hardest steele,
That seeing thy teares can any ioy then feele.
Feare not: to thee our Court stands open wide,
There shalt be lou'd: Ilia lay feare aside.
Thou ore a hundreth Nimphes, or more shalt raigne,
For fiue score Nimpher, or more our flouds conteine.
Not Romane stock scorne me so much (I craue,)
Gifts then my promise greater thou shalt haue.
This said he: she her modest eyes held downe,
Her wofull bosome a warme shower did drowne.
Thrice she prepar'd to flie, thrice she did stay,
By seare depriu'd of strength to runne away.
Yet rending with enraged thumbe her tresses,
Her trembling mouth these vnmeet soundes expresses.

O would in my fore-fathers tombe deepe layde,
My bones had bene, while yet I was a maide,
Why being a vestall am I wooed to wed,
Deflowr'd and stained in vnlawfull bed.
Why stay I? men point at me for a whore,
Shame, that should make me blush, I haue no more.
This said: her coate, hood-winckt her fearefull eyes,
And into water desperately she flies.
T'is said the slippery streame held vp her brest,
And kindly gaue her, what she liked best.
And I beleeue some wench thou hast affected,
But woods and groues keepe your faults vndetected.
While thus I speake, the waters more abounded,
And from the channell all abroad surrounded.
Mad streame, why doest our mutuall ioyes deferre?
Clowne, from my iourney why doest me deterre?
How wouldst thou flow wert thou a noble floud?
If thy great fame in euery region stood.
Thou hast no name, but com'st from snowy mountaines,
No certaine house thou hast, nor any fountaines,
Thy springs are nought but raine aud melted snow,
Which wealth, cold winter doth on thee bestow.
Either th'art muddy in mid winter tide,
Or full of dust doest on the dry earth slide.
What thirsty traueller euer drunke of thee?
Who sayd with gratefull voyce perpetuall be?
Harmefull to beasts, and to the fields thou proues,
Perchance these, others me mine owne losse mooues.
To this I fondly loues of flouds told plainely,
I shame so great names to haue vs'd so vainly.
I know not what expecting, I ere while,
Nam'd Achelaus, Inachus, and Ile,

But for thy merits I wish thee, white streame,
Dry winters aye, and sunnes in heate extreame.