University of Virginia Library


Sonetto. 14.

[Should feare pale feare me forgoe my minde]

Should feare pale feare me forgoe my minde,
Or legions of monsters make me quaile,
No, no, I was not borne of so base kinde,
As dreadfull sighes would make my heart to faile.
Yet care commaund that honors my conceyte,
Made me forsake what my desire embrac'd,
And loth I was that riualls should repeate:
My armes should be by humane force vnlac'd,
Which made me yielde vnto the tyms restraynt,
And leaue the charge of that most noble fight,
Where kindnes more then force could make me faint,
To shild my fame from fortunes cancred spite.
Thus I did charge, thus I discharg'd my launce,
And so I rest contented with my chaunce.