University of Virginia Library

Of Ghoasts and Goblins.

In old wiues daies, that in old time did liue,
(To whose odde tales much credit men did giue)
Great store of Goblins, Fairies, Bugs, Night-mares,
Vrchins, and Elues, to many a house repaires.
Yea far more Sprites did haunt in diuers places.
Then there be women now weare deuils faces.

Amongst the rest was a good fellow deuill,
So cal'd in kindnes, cause he did no euill,
Knowne by the name of Robin (as we heare)
And that his eyes as broad as sawcers were,
Who came a nights and would make Kitchins cleane,
And in the bed bepinch a lazic queane.
Was much in Mils about the grinding Meale,
(And sure (I take it) taught the Miller steale)
Amongst the Creame-bowles & Milke-pans would be,
And with the Country wenches, who but he
To wash their dishes for some Fresh-cheese hire:
Or set their Pots and Kettles 'bout the fire.
Twas a mad Robin that did diuers pranckes,
For which with some good cheare they gaue him thāks,
And that was all the kindnes he expected,
With gaine (it seemes) he was not much infected.
But as that time is past, that Robin's gone,
He and his night-mates are to vs vnknowne,
And in the steed of such good-fellow Sprites,
VVe meet with Robin-bad-fellow a nights,
That enters houses secret in the darke,
And onely comes to pilfer, steale, and sharke,
And as the one made Dishes cleane (they say)
The other takes them quite and cleane away.

What ere it be that is within his reach,
The filching tricke he doth his fingers teach.
But as good fellow-Robin had reward,
With Milke and Creame that friends for him prepar'd,
For being busie all the night in vaine,
(Though in the morning all things safe remaine:)
Robin-bad-fellow wanting such a supper,
Shall haue his breakfast with a Rope and Butter.
To which let all his fellowes be invited:
That with such deeds of darknesse are delighted.