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or, A Clownes conceite on occasion offered. bewraying a morrallised metamorphoses of changes vpon interrogatories: shewing a litle wit, with a great deale of will; or in deed, more desirous to please in it, then to profite by it. Clapt vp by a Clowne of the towne in this last restraint, hauing litle else to doe, to make a litle vse of his fickle Muse, and carelesse of carping. By Clunnyco de Curtanio Snuffe [i.e. Robert Armin]

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VVhat smels sweete?

Muske, Ciuet, Amber, and a thousand thinges
Long to rehearse, from which sweete odours springes:
Flowers are sweete, and sweetest in my minde:
For they are sweete by nature and by kinde.
Faire Women that in boosoms nosegayes weare,
Kisse but their lippes, and say what sent they beare.
Their breath perfume, their flowers sweetly smell,
Both ioyned to her lippes, do exceeding well.


Tis sweete of all sweetes: yet I needes must chide thee,
Thou smelst so Svveete, thers no man can abide thee.