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“And in the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.”—

Mark xiv. 26.

When life's clear untroubled waters,
In the morning sunlight flowed,
In the barge of girlish gladness
Down the pleasant stream I rode.
All the shores were green with bowers,
Where the wild birds sung of love,


Every breeze waved wreaths of flowers,
Silver-pebbled strands above;
While in rich and languid beauty,
Still by creek and shallow bay,
Trembling on the dimpling waters,
Wreaths of lotus-lilies lay.
Variegated birds were sporting
'Mid the blossoms on the tide,
Life, and love, and joy, and beauty,
Dressed the scene on every side.
Friendship o'er the chart presided,
Hope sat smiling at the oar,
Love and Joy, with siren voices,
Sung the bliss of flood and shore.
But the whirlwinds of affliction
Woke me from my sweet repose,
And the heavy clouds of sorrow
On the stormy gale arose.
Then upheaved the crested billow,
Tossing with exulting howl,
As the lion, roused from slumber,
Shakes his mane with threatening growl.
All my sea-birds, wild with terror,
Sprang, shrill shrieking from the flood,
Meteors seemed their flashing pinions,
As above the surge they rode.


And the pearly water-lilies,
From their oozy beds uptorn,
Were in wrecked and broken beauty
By the conquering billows worn.
While, with hoarse and angry chiding,
On the shore, the driving spray
Swept the bird's nest and the blossoms
From the ruined bower away.
One wild scene of desolation
Spread its forms by land and tide,
One deep voice of utter anguish
Moaned around on every side.
O'er the glad day's radiant features
Twilight spread her mantle dark,
Blackness, death, and deep destruction,
Gathered round my shuddering bark.
In that hour of night and horror,
While despair rode on the storm,
Walking on the rolling billows,
I beheld a shining form.
Oh, how dreadful was his presence,
As he walked the waves alone,
In the pure and radiant glory
That around his person shone.
Nearer came the august vision;
Burst my fears in one wild cry;


Then he spake in tones of music:
“Be not fearful—It is I!”
Then I knew him—It was Jesus,
He, whom winds and waves obey,
He, who o'er the fiercest spirits,
Rules with calm and potent sway.
Help, Lord! help me, or I perish!
See, my bark is all a wreck;
Jesus heard, and, touched with pity,
Stepped upon the wave-washed deck.
Instantly the winds subsided,
And the billows sunk to rest;
Rose the sun, and showed before me
Scenes in heavenly beauty drest.
Lord! I pray thee, guide my vessel
Down this swift and treacherous flood,
To the land where peace eternal
Smiles around the throne of God.