University of Virginia Library


The beautiful spring, the generous spring,
She has come to her own again;
From the gem-like isles, that are sleeping in smiles,
On the breast of the southern main.


She comes with her angels, a beautiful train
Of the sinless, the bright, and free;
Who joyously fling from each glittering wing
A sparkle of melody.
The sun in his gladness smiles on the young spring,
From his sapphire throne on high,
Shining down from above, like the spirit of love
From his home in a clear blue eye.
The fountains gush up like a young maiden's joy,
And flow with a silvery song;
And the rivers give out a melodious shout,
As their plum'd waves march along.
The bright dandelions bespangle the vest
Of green velvet, that earth has put on,
And Zephyrus weaves of the young forest leaves,
Her silver and emerald crown.
There's a hymn on the earth, there's a hymn on the sea,
There are hymns on the balm-breathing wind;
There's a flush of delight, on the fair and the bright,
And love is with beauty combin'd.
There's a rich gush of life in the myriad breasts,
That feel the warm breathings of spring,
There's praise all abroad, to the bountiful Lord,
And a free-will offering.


The beautiful spring, the generous spring,
She has come to her own again:
With a message of love, from the bowers above,
Where the pure and the beautiful reign.